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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Advocating for a Policy Proposal

Essay Instructions:


Review the Medicare slides and readings. Next, choose a stakeholder group from the list provided in slide set 1.3 and go to their website to learn a little more about what they do. Then, look over the slides that describe several current policy proposals to the reform Medicare. (These slides include Medicare-for-all, the "Buy-in" to Medicare for those 50 and older, raising the age for Medicare benefits, and increasing Medicare premiums). Write a 750-word (max) op-ed from the stakeholder group of your choice advocating for or against one of these policy proposals. In your op-ed, be sure to:

Identify the policy problem (1 points)

Describe the policy proposal, including how it would be implemented (timeframe, etc). (2 points)

State your position on the policy proposal.

Summarize any of the relevant evidence for your position (use the slides from class and our readings) (3 points)

Use no more than 2 main arguments in support of your position. These arguments should be framed in light of your stakeholder's constituency. (4 points)

Conclude with a forceful statement that reiterates your position and calls on the appropriate legislative body or agency to adopt your position.

For assistance in writing an op-ed, please refer to the following resources:



You should feel free to rely on the materials required for class, but you may want to supplement your knowledge of these proposals by referring to position papers in the optional readings folder.

Be sure to edit and proofread your work. Points will be deducted for spelling errors and poor grammar.

Stakeholder groups:

American Association of Retired Persons (AARP)

Nursing homes (trade association is the American Health Care Association [ACHA])

American Hospital Association (represents hospitals)

Pharmaceutical Industry (choose a company like Novartis, Merck, Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson or others)

American Geriatric Society (organization represents health care professions in geriatric care)

American Health Insurance Plans (organization that represents health insurers [AHIP])

Or another group of your choice

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Advocating for a Policy Proposal
Student’s Name
University Affiliation
Course Title
Professor’s Name
Due Date
The Policy Problem
Medicare is the federal health insurance created in 1965 for people who were 65 years and above. In 1972, the government amended the plan to include people who are less than 65 years who live with a permanent disability. Currently, the insurance program also covers people with End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) (Lurie & Experton, 2021. More than 17 percent of the population in America relies on Medicare to access healthcare (Skopec et al., 2019).
Over the years, federal and national spending on the program has been rising. In 2019, Medicare spending accounted for 21% of the total national health care spending (Martin et al., 2021). Inflation, higher life expectancy, and the rising number of people who rely on this program have contributed to the increasing cost of health insurance. For this reason, there was a proposal to raise the age for medicare eligibility from 65 years to 67 years.
The Policy Proposal and how it would be Implemented
The federal and national governments have had to increase their budgetary allowance in line with the growth of expenditure for the Medicare program. The rising cost prompted proposals for adjustments to the program to contain the expenditure. One of the proposals includes raising the age of eligibility for medicare benefits from 65 years to 67 years (Cubanski et al., 2019). Although this could considerably curb the increasing expenditure, it would lock out elderly people who are in need of treatment but do not meet the age requirements.
The option proposed for implementation was to raise the qualifying age by two months every year until the eligibility age reaches and remains 67 years. The Social Security’s full retirement age which was increased from 65 to 66 would be further increased to 67 years. Although this action would save the federal government money, it would also delay medical benefits to the affected citizens by months. For this reason, the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) differs from the proposal.
Relevant Evidence for the Position Stated
The proposal to increase the eligibility age for Medicare would shift the costs to people between the age of 65 and 67 years who would not be covered by the program. This means that people within this age bracket would incur health care costs from their pockets. Most people who are covered by medicare have modest incomes and rely heavily on the program (Jacobs, 2021). Therefore, they would have difficulty affording insurance, and some would forego treatment altogether.
Rodger C. Lipitz Center reported that 68% of beneficiaries with low incomes have three or more chronic conditions (Schoen et al., 2017). If people with chronic conditions are not covered and cannot afford to cater for their own treatment, most of them would forego the much-needed health care. By the time they are eligible for Medicare cover, their health would have deteriorated thus raising the healthcare cost.
The policy proposal to increase the eligibility age assumes that those who would be locked out of the program would look for coverage e...
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