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How 15 Minutes Uninterrupted Use of Recharge Room Reduce Level of Stress in ACU

Essay Instructions:

Assessment of Project




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Assessment Description

Throughout your practicum experience, you have been designing and implementing a project. You will now assess that experience. Prior to beginning this paper, discuss the topics below with your preceptor. Include their feedback as well as your own. In a 1,500-1,750-word document, discuss the following topics:

Describe your leadership project, its focus, and the site where it was implemented. How did you discover the need for this project?- site is University Health System in San antonio texas

Discuss how the outcomes of your project will be measured? Is your project one that is sustainable or is it designed to be a single occurrence?- i used survey questions to gather the data needed

Did you encounter any real or potential barriers during your practicum experience related to your project?- staff refusing participate in the project, staff do not use the recharge room due to patient acuity and lack of time, they are busy with patient care, and high nurse patient ratio are just a few.

Evaluate the success of your project. If you were not able to implement your project, discuss why. What are the next steps for the project?- project was implemented

What were the goals you set for yourself and the AONE competencies you hoped to achieve?

Summarize your project experience related to those goals and AONE competencies.

Use a minimum of two peer-reviewed resources (published within the last 5 years) as evidence to support your views.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.

Clinical Question:

How will a 15 minute uninterrupted utilization of the recharge room decrease the level of stress among the staff of an acute medical-surgical unit compared to the current practice over a 4-week period?


Among the Staff of an acute medical-surgical unit, how can a 15-minute uninterrupted utilization of the unit’s recharge room decrease or reduce the level of stress compared to the current practice over a 4-week period?

Please answer the questions accordingly and i will insert other relevant information after. Thank you!

Essay Sample Content Preview:

How will 15 Minutes Uninterrupted Use of a Recharge Room Reduce the Level of Stress in an Acute Care Unit?
Student’s Name
Course Number and Name
Instructor’s Name
How will 15 Minutes Uninterrupted Use of a Recharge Room Reduce the Level of Stress in an Acute Care Unit?
Leadership Project
My leadership project focused on reducing stress levels among healthcare staff working in an acute medical-surgical unit. Specifically, the project involved exploring whether the utilization of a recharge room for 15-minutes without interruption can reduce the stress level of the unit’s staff. Recharge rooms provide a healing environment for healthcare staff by offering an immersive environment where they can relax, address unresolved thoughts, and relieve stress (Putrino et al., 2020).
The project was implemented at University Health System in San Antonio, Texas. This healthcare organization is the third largest public health system in Texas and serves a large number of patients. I realized that the healthcare staff, especially those working in the medical-surgical unit, are constantly stressed. The staff at the hospital have a high workload which leaves them with little time for rest, and this contributes to high burnout. The high-stress levels are associated with a high workload and the nature of work which can be quite draining sometimes. I noticed that the staff had a high staff-to-patient level, which increased their workload. This observation is similar to the one shared by Wei et al. (2018), who established, through a systematic review, that the stress levels of healthcare staff are influenced by the number of patients they serve and the heavy workload. This observation led me to discover the need for an intervention that would help alleviate the stress and burnout among acute medical-surgical unit staff.
The chosen intervention was based latest research on stress reduction. Putrino et al. (2020) state that healthcare workers experience high-stress levels due to their work. The stress levels have been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic and its repercussions on the healthcare system. These high-stress levels necessitated a look into viable stress reduction interventions. Putrino et al. (2020) found that exposure to a recharge room for 15 minutes either during, before, or after a shift reduced the stress levels of healthcare workers significantly. I shared this information with my preceptor, and we agreed that a project exploring whether a 15-minute uninterrupted utilization of the recharge room can reduce stress levels would benefit the hospital’s workforce.
Measuring Project Outcomes
Establishing and measuring project outcomes is important because it makes it easy to measure the success of the project and identify areas of improvement. Since this project’s focus was on the reduction of stress among healthcare staff, the outcomes were also focused on stress reduction. Specifically, the primary outcome was the perceived stress among medical-surgical staff. Perceived stress was measured in terms of the participants' self-reported levels of stress. According to Dutton and Kozachik (2020), the perceived stress of healthcare staff can be measured using an outcome measure such as the Nursing Stress Scale (NSS), which has seven subscales: workload, conflict with nurses, lack of support, death, and dying, conflict with physicians, uncertainty with patient care and treatment, and lack of adequate support. It also has a full stress scale to measure overall perceived stress among healthcare staff. For this project, the blood pressure and heart rate of the participants were recorded before and after using the recharge room.
The project would be successful if, compared to current practice on stress reduction in the medical-surgical unit, it significantly reduced the stress levels of the staff. This would require assessing the stress levels of the staff before and after they experience the 15 minutes of uninterrupted time in the recharge room. Survey questions were used to collect the data needed about the expected outcomes. They made it possible to establish the stress levels before and after the 15 minutes uninterrupted utilization of the recharge room.
This project is sustainable and can be implemented throughout the hospital to help health workers in other departments. First, the intervention would only take 15 minutes of the staff’s time. The 15 minutes makes the intervention less time-consuming, and as such, it would not require a lot of time commitment. According to Bridgeman et al. (2018), one of the factors that affect healthcare workers is time constraints which leaves them with little time to recover and relax. However, the 15 minutes recharge room gives them time to recover. The visit to the recharge room can be done during, before, or after a shift. The healthcare staff can choose when to visit the room, and this offers some degree of convenience without too much time commitment. In addition, Putrino et al. (2020) found that those participating in the recharge rooms found them quite enjoyable. As such, healthcare workers would not quickly get bored and abandon their routine visits to the recharge room.
Barriers Related to the Project
During my practicum project experience, I encountered several barriers related to the project. Most of these barriers were related to the healthcare staff's participation in the project.
One of the greatest challenges was the staff's inability to participate in the project due to lack of time. As Bridgeman et al....
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