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Mental Health can Affect Facets of a Person’s Life

Essay Instructions:

The literature review enables students to map out and move into the active planning and development stages of the project.

A literature review analyzes how current research supports the PICOT, as well as identifies what is known and what is not known in the evidence. Students will use the information from the earlier PICOT Question Paper and Literature Evaluation Table assignments to develop a review (750-1,000 words) that includes the following sections:

Title page

Introduction section

A comparison of research questions

A comparison of sample populations

A comparison of the limitations of the study

A conclusion section, incorporating recommendations for further research

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Rubric Criteria

Literature Review

4 points

Comparison of Research Questions

8 points

Comparison of Sample Populations

4 points

Comparison of the Limitations of the Study

8 points

Conclusion and Recommendations for Further Research

4 points

Thesis, Position, or Purpose

2.8 points

Development, Structure, and Conclusion

2.8 points


2.4 points

Mechanics of Writing

2.4 points


1.6 points

Total40 points

Literature Evaluation Table

Student Name: Chris Duncan

Change Topic (2-3 sentences): In the youthful population, what is the effect of communication on mental health compared with improved health over the long-term?


Article 1

Article 2

Article 3

Article 4

Author, Journal (Peer-Reviewed), and

Permalink or Working Link to Access Article

Kerry Gibson, Jan Wilson, Jade Le Grice, and Fred Seymour

Sage Journals


Melanie Eckert, Zeki Efe, Lukas Guenthner, Sabrina Baldofski, Katharina Kuehne,etc.



Christine Mulligan, Mairead Furlong, Sharon McGarr, Siobhan O’Connor, Sinead McGilloway

Frontiers in Psychiatry


Brendan Dempsey, Kathy Looney, Roisin McNamara, Sarah Michalek, Ellis Hennessy



Article Title and Year Published

“Resisting the Silence: The Impact of Digital Communication on Young People’s Talk About Suicide”

Nov. 1, 2019

“Acceptability and feasibility of a messenger-based psychological chat counselling service for children and young adults (“krisenchat”): A cross-sectional study”

Feb. 10, 2022

“The Family Talk Programme in Ireland: A Qualitative Analysis of the Experiences of Families With Parental Mental Illness”

Nov. 15, 2021

“An experimental investigation of adolescent and young adult responses to

stigmatizing and supportive social media posts in response to a

depressed peer”

Feb. 2, 2022

Research Questions (Qualitative)/

Hypothesis (Quantitative)

The research question asked by this study was “how do young people experience the constraints and opportunities to talk about suicide?”

This study asks the question of what is the level of acceptability, usability, feasibility, and satisfaction among users of krisenchat?

What are the experiences of families who attend Family Therapy due to the presence of mental illness

Question 1: “Are levels of personal or perceived stigma

predicted by participant demographic variables and/or types of comments seen on

Facebook-style posts?

Question 2: “Are behavioral intentions towards peers with

mental health difficulties predicted by types of comments seen on Facebook-style posts?”

Purposes/Aim of Study

The aim of this study is to reflect on the volunteers’ perspectives of suicide and to aid in understanding other practices and concerns regarding suicide among youth in New Zealand.

The aim of this study is to evaluate the acceptability, usability, feasibility and user satisfaction of krisenchat, an online psychosocial crisis counselling service for children, adolescents, and young adults in Germany

The purpose of this study was to “investigate the experiences of families attending FT; and explore the key facilitators and barriers to engagement in mainstream mental health settings.”

This study aims to analyze the current and potential impacts of public stigma on adolescents and young adults on social media platforms

Design (Type of Quantitative, or Type of Qualitative)

Phenomenological Qualitative Study

Cross-Sectional Quantitative Study

Phenomenological Qualitative Study

Experimental Quantitative Research


Setting: Auckland Urban Area, New Zealand

Sample: 9 focus groups comprised of 38 people. Ages ranged from 15-22 years old. 30 female participants and 8 male participants

Setting: Germany

Sample: Samples were taken from May 17,2020 to July 30,2021 from the operational database. 11,031 users were extracted from the databases and 2,762 of the users participated the post-survey

Setting: Sweden

3 outpatient psychiatric settings, 1 substance misuse clinic, 1 open care psychosis unit

Sample: 86 families, 139 parents and 221 children

Sample: 463 participants, 270 females and 193 males

Ages ranged from 18-25 years old

Methods: Intervention/


Focus groups were operated by a mental health professional. Focus groups lasted 90 minutes. They were held at schools and youth centers. Focus groups were conducted between the periods of Aug 2015 and Nov. 2016.

Open-ended interview protocol was followed.

Topics reviewed during focus groups included the volunteers’ awareness of suicide in society and peer groups, prompts from social media platforms, and how society can address the issue of youth suicide.

Automatically collected metadata and data collected by counsellors during and after sessions

Data form the feedback survey was used to evaluate satisfaction ratings

Participants were randomly placed via a 2:1 ratio into the group of Family Therapy intervention or treatment as usual control group

Evaluations were done at baseline and 6-month follow up periods

Participants were interviewed for 15-40 mins

8 stigmatizing comments and 2 positive comments were designed in the format of a Facebook comment on a vignette character’s page about their mental health concerns.

The peer mental health stigmatization scale was used to measure perceived stigma and personal stigma

The scale uses 12 statements ranging from “no previous contact with mental illness” to “most intimate contact”


The data was coded via a process suggested by the article “Using thematic analysis in psychology” by Braun and Clarke, 2006.

The researchers used a social constructionist approach to the study in order to reflect the concept that young people’s perspectives of suicide being shaped by contemporary views.

Focus groups discussions were fully transcribed

Results illustrate that existing messenger counselling services are significantly acceptable, useable, feasible, and satisfactory among customers.

75% parents reported reduced shame around stigma of mental illness (MI)

80% children found FT helpful

All family members reported that FT was helpful because everyone was involved and multiple concerns were addresses by all.

The multivariable linear regression model yielded significant result of predicting levels of perceived stigma

Adolescents who are exposed to stigmatizating comments reported higher levels of perceived stigma

Levels of personal stigma and gender were correlated with behavioral intenetions to support the vignette

Key Findings

Participants stated there is a lack of coverage on suicide in the mainstream media like on the news.

They stated that there is a “unwillingness” to discuss suicide in society among adults, professionals, teachers, parents, and on media

Adults were said to not be able to understand the stresses today’s youth face

Youth were reluctant to tell professionals out of fear of being stigmatized or diagnosed as mental ill

Social media provided a way to connect with more young people

The messenger-based chat seems to be a feasible and acceptable form of counselling adolescents through psychosocial crises.

Messenger chat counselling services could possibly aid in servicing high need, low supply communities

Half of the users reported never knowing of any mental health support services until being contacted for the study.

This demonstrates a high need for more counselling support services and promotion for such services among young people

Children felt empowered after FT as they were able to have their voices heard

Children were able to voice their concerns off family dynamics, tensions at home, and other distresses

Male adolescents and young adults showed higher levels of personal stigma compared to females

Young adults with greater amounts of mental illness experiences reported higher levels of perceived stigma


More research should be done with a broader sample population in order to provide a wider base of support for generalizability

Limitations of this study is that the use of messenger apps as chat counselling services had never been used among German youths

The study relied on convenience sampling

This study should be conducted among families of varying cultural backgrounds in order to test it’s transferability and generalizability

The time period between FT and interviews with children should be shortened as prolonged periods between the two can cause unreliability with the children's recall abilities.

The study was limited by the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic

A smaller sample size was used due to the social distancing guidelines set by the onset of the pandemic

Explanation of How the Article Supports EBP/Capstone Project

This article provided insight into young people’s minds on suicide and mental health. It helps adults to understand that there is a major gap in communication and understanding between the youth and adults of today’s society. This article emphasizes many concerns regarding young people’s mental health and solutions to mental health issues that need to be resolved.

This study aids the project because it provides a different method to handling mental illness and crises. It can also provide help in developing strategies for counselling various mental health concerns/crises. This study also demonstrated that more counseling services and service promotions are needed to aid young people with mental health concerns they may have.

This study demmonstrates that whole family approaches are a good method for addressing mental illness within the family dynamic. It allows for everyone’s concerns to be heard and addressed. Allowing the family dynamic and relationships to change in a more positive manner.

The evidence from this study shows positive responses and support from peers following disclosures of mental health issues on social media platforms

Discrepancies in prior research and variances in this study illustrate a need for further research into mental health among adolescents and young adults


Article 5

Article 6

Article 7

Article 8

Author, Journal (Peer-Reviewed), and

Permalink or Working Link to Access Article

Dorota Martin and Cathy Atkinson

Julie Prescott, Terry Hanley, and Katalin Ujhelyi Gomez

British Journal of Guidance and Counselling


Junhyung Kim, Young Hoon Jung, Ki-Dong Baek, Yeon-Ju Hong,Hyu Seok Jeong, and Jae-Jin Kim

Applied Sciences


Article Title and Year Published

“What narratives do young people use to communicate

depression? A systematic review of the literature”


“Why do young people use online forums for mental health and

emotional support? Benefits and challenges”

May 10, 2019

“Management of Aggression in Young Male Adults Using the

Virtual Reality-Based Communication Modification Program”


Research Questions (Qualitative)/Hypothesis (Quantitative)

This study asks the question of how young people communication their experiences of living with depression to others.

The questions proposed by this study include what youth discuss on social media platforms to support their mental health and how do they support each other as peers.

Question 1: “Will participants with high aggression

demonstrate different patterns in the behavioral parameters of the program than those with

low aggression?”

Question 2: “Will the correlations between the behavioral parameters and psychological assessments scores for aggression and anger in participants with high aggression be

significant and reflect the characteristics of high aggression?”

Purposes/Aim of Study

The purpose of this study is to focus on narratives about communicating on depression and understand the impact and causes of depression

Also this study addresses the gaps in knowledge in literature

This study is aimed at discovering how young people use online forums and why they use online forums in reference to mental health needs

The purpose of this study was “to investigate whether the participants’ behaviors in

the virtual environment related to dysfunctional communication reflect the characteristics

related to aggression.”

Design (Type of Quantitative, or Type of Qualitative)

Systematic Review- Qualitative Study

Qualitative Study

Experimental Quantitative Study


Sample: 912 articles were identified but only 8 articles were selected as relevant to the current study and read.

Inclusion criteria consisted of: studies published between 2000 and 2016, peer-reviewed journals, full-text English articles, participants aged 16-25 years old, and studies on depression narratives

Settings: Australian

Sample: Convenience sampling was conducted using KOOTH.com advertisements. Participants included 19 volunteers, 15 females and 4 males who had prior formal mental health diagnosis. The participants ranged in ages 12 to 23 and they all had been using KOOTH.com for 2 months to 3 years


Sample: 217 young men were originally chosed and then ranked from highest to lowest level of aggression via the Aggression Questionnarie. 60 men were ranked among the highest and 30 men were chosen among the lowest.

Exclusion criteria included: current psychotropic med use, history of substance abuse, neurological disorders, pyschotic disorders, and mood disorders.

Methods: Intervention/Instruments

Literature searches were done for the time period of Sept 2015 to Feb 2016.

The databases used included Web of Science, Education Resources Information Center (ERIC), Applied Social Science Index and Abstracts (ASSIA), and Taylor and Francis Online Journals

The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis flowchart was used for analysis

Qualitative research was used to create representation of service user’s experiences.

The study was approved by research institution’s ethics committee

The study was done in conjunction in partnership with KOOTH.com a free online counseling service for young people aged 11-25 years old who are experiencing mental health difficulties.

2 online focus groups were conducted in real-time to provide support and responses to questions

The focus groups were lead by a moderator of the KOOTH.com service.

217 young males were chosen via 7 different online communities. All the recruits were given the Aggression Questionnaire to rank their level of aggressiveness. The young men were then ranked from highest to lowest aggression scores. 60 males were chosen from the highest scores (score of >76) and 30 males from the lowest scores (score< 62).


The results of the literature varied greatly among the different pieces of literature.

The approach used to analyze the data was inductive thematic analysis as developed by Braun and Clarke, 2006, using Nvivo version 10 software.

Inductive thematic analysis was used because the analysis was found on collected data rather than theories

Independent T-tests were used compare psychological assessment scores and behavioral bounds between the high and low groups

All analyses were conducted using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences 25.0.

The threshold for statistical significance was alpha level 0.05

Key Findings

The participants had a hard time understanding the causes of depression and their own experiences with depression

Some participants found it difficult to voice their feelings regarding depression

Societial norms and expectations made it difficult for many participants to communicate with peers

Live and status forums are beneficial for young people

Results show that online forums provide needed support

Online forums provided a location for young people to go to gather more resources and lower-level support

The online forums were also used as forms of distractions and a place to talk about not issues deemed taboo for society


A limitation of this study is is the key words used to find the relevant articles

Some relevant articles were found after the study was conducted because they did not include the key search words in their titles

The limitations lie in the use of online media forums to provide support and counseling. There were many reports of technical issues and issues regarding relevance of topics.

The limitations

Explanation of How the Article Supports EBP/Capstone

This study is important and relevant because it identifies the gaps in knowledge regarding depression among youth.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Mental Health can Affect Facets of a Person’s Life
Mental health has often been taken lightly by most people in the society. Over the recent past however, it has continued showing serious impacts on the population, especially with the day to day demands of the current age. Understanding mental health is usually the best way to push towards the subsequent management or even prevention of the same. A lot of research has been done on mental health with a focus on understanding exactly the underlying factors that play a big role to it, as well as the various ways that the illness is manifested and the control measures for it. The mind is like the body’s engine. If it is negatively affected, then everything about a person gets affected too. Mental health can therefore affect all the facets of a person’s life. There is need to have a keen look at how this silent killer is rapidly and steadily gaining ground amongst even the most resilient and toughest portions of the population. This paper will offer a review of literature on how eight literary works have addressed the importance of communication in handling mental health, especially among the youthful portion of the population. The PICOT question is: In the youthful population, what is the effect of communication on mental health compared with improved health over the long-term?
A comparison of research questions
When compared to the questions that have been done concerning the issue of mental health, the current research question is quite appropriate and in line with the emerging concerns about mental health in the youthful population. The research question by Eckert et.al. (2022) for example, focused on the potential mental health issues surrounding young adults especially during adolescence; and the trouble they often face when it comes to seeking and getting help. Gibson et al. (2019) on the other hand place quite a lot of emphasis on the importance of communication when it comes to handling mental health amongst the youth to prevent suicide.
There is even more emphasis on the importance of communication within the family setup, between members of the family (Mulligan et.al. 2021).It creates an outlet channel that a youngster can always use to vent out. Dempsey et al. (2022) on the other hand, identify the social media as a double edged sword. They take it as a source of mental health issues while also a solution to the same. Coady et al. (2022) even narrow it down to how Twitter specifically, impacts on the users when it comes to handling crisis. Beck (2020) takes note of behavior as a chief parameter in mental health, as it can manifest the first telltale signs of mental health issues. George, Rahmatinick and Ramos (2018) place nurse communication as critical towards handling of mental health. The research questions are therefore, quite in line with the current one.
A comparison of sample populations
Sarmiento et al (2020) based their study on 68 other previous ones spanning over 15 years. Eckert et.al. (2022) had 6962 participants in their research study. The study by Mulligan et.al. (2021) had 460 participants spanning 86 families. Compared to the current study, these works had quite huge sample populations that dwarfed the current one. The work done by Coady et al. (2022) however...
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