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2 pages/≈550 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Essay Instructions:

In this module, we discussed the structure and function of both the female and male reproductive systems. In this final case assignment, you should discuss: Pathogens, toxins, infections, and disease; Microbial Applications and Industrial Use; Biotransformations; Microbial decomposition and global recycling The module 5 case assignment requires you to investigate viruses further and compare them to prions. You will need to read "Chapter 17: Viruses and Prions" in A Concise Manual of Pathogenic Microbiology to complete this assignment and begin your independent research. Provide a general discussion of the herpes virus. In your paper discuss the structure of herpes, HSV-1 and HSV-2, specificially, and how the viral structure facilitates entry into host cells. Discuss the epidemiology of this virus including statistics on its prevalence nationally and world-wide, and projections for the future. Explain how this pathogen causes disease in the host. Compare to the mode of action of prions in general, focusing on Mad-cow disease. Provide epidemiological facts on Mad-cow disease as well. Note: The assignment will require you to engage in independent research. I recommend you visit the CDC and WHO websites to complete the epidemiologic data requirements for this assignment. Your assignment is due by the Monday following the end of this Module. Please upload your case assignment. Case Assignment Expectations Length: Case Assignment Module assignments should be at least 2-4 pages (400-800 words) in length. References: At least two references should be included from academic sources (e.g. peer-reviewed journal articles). Required readings are included. Quoted material should not exceed 10% of the total paper (since the focus of these assignments is critical thinking). Use your own words and build on the ideas of others. When material is copied verbatim from external sources, it MUST be enclosed in quotes. The references should be cited within the text and also listed at the end of the assignment in the References section (preferably in APA format). Organization: Subheadings should be used to organize your paper according to question Format: APA format is recommended (but not required) for this assignment. See Syllabus page for more information on APA format.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Structurally the herpes virus is composed of four main parts, which aid in its infectious nature. On the outside the virus has a double layer of lipids that form that outer casing called the Envelope. As with all the viruses that are covered by a lipid outer shell, they easily disintegrate and can only be infectious if one comes into contact with the mucosal secretions and surfaces of the infected person. This therefore means that the virus cannot be passed from toilets seats, as viruses that have damaged shell are not infectious. When the virus comes into contact with the host's cells, the envelop binds with cell membrane. The envelope contains glycoproteins at the surface that interact with the receptors of the host's cells to gain entry (Looker , Garnett & Schmid, 2008).
Below the envelope is the Tegument, which joins the envelope with the capsid. The tegument is a layer that contains the proteins that are virally-coded plus the enzymes of the virus that help with the replication initiation. Both the tegument and the envelope form what is called the virion and they encase the capsid. The capsid is a protein cage that is icosahedral which means it is doughnut shaped, containing more than 162 capsomeres. Inside the capsids are DNA genomes that are very complex for the viruses HSV1 and HSV 2. Each of the viruses may contain more than 74 viral genes. There are two sections namely the short unique region and the long unique region. In the short unique region it has been found to contain more than 12 viral genes while the long unique region has been found to contain more than 56.
When the binding stage is initiated, there is a pore that is torn on the host's cell membrane, allowing the tegument bound nucleocapsid to enter the cell. Once the nucleocapsid is in the cell nucleus, the DNA genome is released. The production of the mature virus requites the production of three proteins namely; the alpha proteins, beta proteins and the gamma proteins. The infectious virus then goes through the RNA transcription, DNA synthesis and finally the assembly of the mature infectious virus.
Epidemiology of HSV1 and 2
The infections caused by these viruses are a lifelong affair and the infected person can readily infect others, even though the latency gets set up later. While the virus can be found on the lesions on the skin, it is common to find the virus in the various bodily fluids that include the saliva and the mucus from the virginal secretions. Specifically the HSV 1 is spread through the mouth to mouth contact such as kissing and using contaminated utensils among others. On the other hand the HSV 2 is ...
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