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1 pages/≈275 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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$ 4.32

Principles of a Healthy Community: The Needs of the Elderly

Essay Instructions:

-Based on the required reading, which principles of a healthy community are most important to you? Why?

-What would you tell the mayor about the health of your community? For full credit, be sure to mention ways your community is and is not healthy. Let us know which community you are writing about.

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The community I am writing about provides healthcare facilities to the elderly. I think that it is important for doctors and nurses to provide as many facilities to the elderly as are provided to children and young patients (Roxana, 2016). The first principle of a healthy community is paying utmost attention to the physical, spiritual and emotional needs of the elderly. I think that the participation of medical experts is integral in this regard. In addition, diverse citizen participation is where all youngsters take the responsibility of looking after their parents or other older members of the house. Both of these principles are important to me as they ensure the health and wellbeing of the elderly. I believe that the government should take initiatives in this regard, as establishing a nursing home or two is not enough. Sometimes the elderly need immediate medical assistance along with proper and regular support of someon...
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