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Gauge Steel Company: Occupational Setting and Manufacturing Processes

Essay Instructions:

A tlc.trident.eduINTRODUCTIONIn this SLP, you will be a health and safety manager in a company that has a manufacturing facility with multiple occupational hazards.
This setting could be a place where you currently work, one that you may be familiar with, or one that you just find interesting.
The objective of this SLP is to describe the setting in which the SLPs of modules 2 through 4 will take place:
1. Describe the occupational setting, the number of employees, the workers’ demographics (age, gender, ethnicity) and the industrial or manufacturing processes that take place.
2. Describe one other member of the health and safety team that may be in the facility (examples are an occupational nurse, a health and safety officer, a team made of employees) and the role it plays in this facility.
SLP Assignment Expectations
Use information from your
mnrlnlP rpariinnq/artir.lpq as wall

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The Gauge Steel Company consists of nearly 1000 workers. The work ethics require that every employer gives their best to help achieve the goals of the company. However, all of the employees are exposed to excessive noise and are urged to work in an unfriendly environment. At this point, there is a strong need to find out the ways of reducing hearing problems and back pain the workers may suffer from while working at the Gauge Steel Company. There is a strong need for the manager to provide workers with an environment where there is no noise or a little noise, and an area where they can work in the way they like the most.
Similarly, the workers should not be urged to work for extra hours as excessive physical activities can lead them to experience back pain (Molesworth et al. 2015). The age of people working at the Gauge Steel Company is from 22 to 45, and only male employees are hired that the work is tough and female employees cannot perform effectively. Despite this, there is no other discrimination related to cast and demographics.
In order to evaluate the noise quality, different frequencies are recorded for the first few weeks, and the average noise is recorded in decibels. In addition, we investigated the workers’ perception of speech within two meters. It should be noticed that any noise that exceeds the limit of 85 decibels is considered unhealthy.
There is a team that works for workers’ right and ensures that they are provided with a friendly and healthy environment to work in. I think that the safety team’s head should run a ...
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