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Healthy People 2020 Initiative

Essay Instructions:

A tlc.trident.eduThe SLP assignment for this course will entail becoming familiar with Healthy People initiative. To the end, you will be asked to view a series of videos presenting the key components of Healthy People 2020, illustrating how these are being implemented, noting data sources available to monitor progress toward achievement of Healthy People goals objectives, and recommending strategies for incorporating Healthy People into the work we do as health educators.
View the first of these videos. After watching the video, address the following questions:
1. What is Healthy People 2020?
2. Where can one go to obtain information on this initiative? [Hint: The video mentions the relevant web site.]
3. What are the “Leading Health Indicators?” Where can information on these be found?
o Identify three of these that are of greatest interest to you. o Choose the one that concerns you most.
■ What are the goals and
objectives associated with this indicator?


them before undertaking your case assignment.
Colorado health (2016). RE: Vision - Promotoras. Retrieved from https://www(dot)voutube(dot)com/watch?v=ERInZoteOEE [VIDEO]
Citizen Film (2010). Maquilapolis - Promotoras. Retrieved from
http://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v-nVWsBVoSGdo [VIDEO]
Kaiser Permanente (2010) Las Promotoras: Kaiser Permanente Helps Latino Families Access Care. Retrieved from http://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch? v=Cyx3rk05IJ4 [VIDEO]
Proyecto Azteca (2010). Colonias and Hell's Half Acre. Retrieved
from http://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=XaL-YiZshOM&feature=fvwrel [VIDEO]Vision y Compromiso (2010). Promotoras and Community Health Workers Networf Retrieved from http://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v-bLa TPplQOWY

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Author Name
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1. What is Healthy People 2020?
Healthy People 2020 is a project that aims to reach four core goals. The first goal is to attain long lives which are free from diseases, disability, injuries, and premature death. The second goal is to eliminate disparities along with ensuring the health and wellbeing of all groups. The third goal is to create sustainable physical and social environments while making sure that these environments promote good health. The fourth and final goal is to promote healthy behaviors and ensure that everyone is living an ideal or perfect life. There are over 500 specific objectives and up to 1100 measures which are made a part of Healthy People 2020.
2. Where can one go to obtain information on this initiative?
For nearly a decade now, the official website (HealthyPeople.gov) is providing sufficient information about this initiative. They have provided a clear list of goals and objectives, and regular articles are published to keep people of what is happening and what kinds of projects have been undertaken. The HealthyPeople.gov website is, no doubt, the best source to obtain quick and useful information. The website was previously designed in a simple way, and its latest design has been presented with an aim to make it more user-friendly and easy-to-navigate. Tools have also been provided to participants, and the website consists of different data methods to make visitors understand the significance of Healthy People 2020.
3. What are the "Leading Health In...
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