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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Healthcare Management: Manager Role

Essay Instructions:

Define and provide a health care management example for each management function.

Using the three noted skills, identify which skill(s) is/are highly needed for each management function. Be sure to explain the rationale for your selection.

Management Functions Define all Health Care Example for all Skill Needed/Rationale for all

1 Planning

2 Organizing

3 Staffing

4 Controlling

5 Directing

6 Decision Making

Cover page:

Make sure to include your name; session & class (e.g., JUL2017FT-BHE200); module # & assignment (e.g. Module 1 Case Assignment); professor’s name; and date of submission. Do NOT include the text of the assignment on your cover page; simply your name, course number and session, date, and assignment title will suffice. Points will be deducted under the Professionalism Criteria for missing cover page components.

Writing style and formatting:

Use a 1-inch margin and a double-spaced 12 point Times New Roman font.

Support your statements with evidence, not simply your opinion or feelings, because scholarly academic work builds on previous knowledge and recognizes the contributions that others have made to that knowledge.

Support each idea, point, or statement of fact that is not common knowledge by citations and references.

Academic papers should have at least 2, preferably 3 or more, scholarly and professional references (unless otherwise noted in the instructions and expectations for the assignment).

Include in-text citations AND a reference list for each assignment (including PowerPoint presentations):

You have to cite the source of the information within the body of the paper like this (Author’s last name, Year) and include a properly formatted reference list at the end of the paper (not just a list of links).

Review http://www(dot)apastyle(dot)org/learn/index.aspx & https://owl(dot)english(dot)purdue(dot)edu/owl/resource/560/02/ to make sure you understand how to properly cite sources and create a reference list.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Healthcare Management
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Name and Number
Lecturer’s Name
Assignment Due Date
This function requires the manager to set a direction and determine what should be achieved (Thompson et al., 2012). It means setting priorities and identifying performance targets. Healthcare leaders undertake planning by analyzing the current operation and developing plans that focus on the future of the health organization (Linnander et al., 2017). An example of this function is resource planning. This involves accounting for the number of beds, healthcare professionals, and medical supplies needed to improve health outcomes in hospitals. Ensuring that the right amounts of supplies are available enables the organization to be prepared in any situation. The key skill needed for this function is conceptual. A Conceptual skill helps in critically analyzing the current operation and developing the intended plans (Thompson et al., 2012).
Organizing is a management function concerned with the organization's overall design or specific unit for which the leader is responsible (Marquis & Huston, 2019). It mandates healthcare management to sort out its resources and plan for their proper usage in advance. An example of this function is laying out the medicine in a contained and easily sorted manner to reduce medical errors that would be detrimental to the patient. Skills highly needed for this function include technical skills. These skills are required to label and sort out drugs to ensure other health professionals and consumers can quickly identify them (Thompson et al., 2012). Labeling medicine requires technical skills due to the technical terms used in the medical field.
Staffing entails acquiring and retaining human resources. It also involves developing and maintaining the workforce through accepted strategies and techniques (Thompson et al., 2012). An example of this function is motivating the exiting nurses to prevent nurse turnover. This helps the management to retain the workforce and prevent the nursing shortage in the healthcare organization (Marquis & Huston, 2019). Interpersonal skills and conceptual skills are highly needed in this function...
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