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Health & Wellness: changing health related behaviour

Essay Instructions:
I have own my Essay writing for a assignment and this assignment should be 4 weekly journals, but i only have first weekly journals so I want you to put (adding) other 3 weekly journals in my essay paper. //The Assignment instructions: Assignment part 2 1. Write 4 weekly journals describing and analyzing the experience of changing health related behaviour. Describe how you felt as you implemented your plan and worked towards achieving your goal. Note the challenges, successes, set backs, re-evaluation of goal/plan and any related feelings. Focus on the feelings experienced as opposed to the process. Discuss the identified predisposing, enabling and reinforcing factors and how they played a role in the changing of the behaviour. Discuss how achieving this goal affected your overall \\\"holistic\\\" health and well-being. 2. Analyze journals and incorporate research into each journals that supports and explains your findings and experience. //This is my essay: Healthy living and healthy lifestyle has become a major concern to the world populace. With advent in information technology, a lot of information is available on how one can successfully maintain a healthy plan. Among ways on how an individual can remain healthy is through regular exercises, which are accosted with a number of benefits that one can derive from sticking to the training program. Some concepts interplay when it comes to having an achievable training program. A good training program should be SMART with one being aware of the starting point. This means every training program should be individualized since people have different entry level in terms of their fitness. The other important aspect in training is for an individual to have researched thoroughly with the purpose of understanding benefits that are accrued with fitness. As indicated by a number of researchers, exercises are important inaugural part in our life and country at large. Most of health complications that people are suffering from can be adequately averted by exercises. Some of such health complications include obesity, heart attack, stroke, cancer and high blood pressure to mention but just a few. These some of the motivating factors that made me to tag my goal on physical training. After realizing what I could benefit by following a training program, I decided to live a healthy life that was economically viable to me compared to amount of money one would spend when seeking for treatment. Good goal should be achievable and at the same time, not too easy to achieve. Literature suggests that a goal should be stretching but within the scope of achievability. I knew from the word go that sticking to a training program required high levels of discipline and commitment. Having looked at a number of successful people in sports and what they go through during training, I had no option but to dedicate my time and strictly attempt to adhere to achieve the targets I had set for myself. In most cases, things are easier said than done. I came to realize that without intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, it is really hard to achieve such goals. My initial feelings before starting the training regime were to achieve my desired end goal without feeling overwhelmed or an aspect of giving up. I thought it was going to be an easy task since I was not a beginner in jogging and little did I know that it was going to be tiring, stressful and time consuming. Most projects fail during the implementation stage. A good program should have considered all possible challenges to be faced throughout the execution stage. To be honest, I had considered all possible challenges and ways were well stipulated on how I was going to overcome them amicably. During implementation of the training program, there were times that I felt overwhelmed by fatigue, but this did not stop me from eying the overall goal. During some instances, I thought I had put my goals very high, but every time such thoughts crossed my mind, I reminded myself that goals should not be too easy to achieve, they should be stretching. Challenges faced Planning and execution go hand in hand and one needs to put required effort to achieve the set goals within the specified time frame. During my first week of training, I experienced overwhelming fatigue with minor muscle tear as a I tried to implement my plan. This affected a big deal doing the other tasks that I had to like attending lessons in class. I could feel the tension on the muscles and pain all over my body. I later came to realize that I failed to have a specific way of how I was to run the distance I had set for myself. Though I used to run, I needed to employ the principle of progression where I could be increasing distance progressively to the end of the training program. The other challenge that came on my way is failure of establishing my current fitness levels. I needed to go to a specialist in fitness who could have established the fitness levels and use it as a benchmark to compare what I had gained in different components of fitness. In the initial stages, I also felt like giving up especially when my body was aching terribly. This notwithstanding, the time factor was another challenge that I had to overcome. Training and diet go hand in hand; I felt deprived some of food I liked most like snacks and fast food. Through research, I realized one had to balance between caloric intake and expenditure in order to reap full benefits of exercise. Financially, I faced some challenge in buying another pair of jogging snickers considering I was operating with a constrained budget. These challenges forced me to reevaluate the training program by first establishing fitness levels and working on improving time apart from running the stipulated miles. Success In order to achieve success in life, commitment and discipline plays a pivotal role. Throughout the training period, I did not miss to train as stipulated in the training program. Despite the level of fatigue that built in my body, I held on and endured the discomforts of training. Training is hard and calls for intrinsic motivation and determination. Literature suggests that 50% of motivation should come from us and this is one of the positive attributes that I implemented throughout the program. I usually felt good and motivated whenever I finished the run in shorter timings compared to previous run. This kept my spirit high and every time I felt an enhanced breathing and good speed, I convinced myself that I will not relent on pursuing my desired goals. By the end of the training period as I had set from the beginning, the breathing, circulation, flexibility, gait and endurance were all enhanced. I felt more confident among my peers and I could engage in healthy talk as opposed to when I had not started the training program. To effectively achieve my goals, a number of factors came into play. My partner was of great importance since he kept encouraging and motivating me. He also acted as a catalyst since I aspired to be better than him, thereby working extra hard to reap most benefits of training. Other factors that enhanced the performance were a good training program, sports attire and support from family members who encouraged me to pursue my goal to the fullest. Having achieved the set goal, I have accrued many benefits towards health. I can now carry on with my normal duties effectively, I managed to shed off some weight and the breathing system has been enhanced. As indicated in many research regarding benefits of exercises, including positive self-image, I have enhanced confidence levels, social skills and I can relate well with others. I have also improved on discipline by realizing nothing can be achieved without it. The effort put in training has taught me that nothing is impossible and I am working hard on academic performance. Overall, my health has greatly improved and I have more positive regard to myself and I hope to continue with exercises to reap maximum benefits and avoid healthy complications associate with lack of exercise.
Essay Sample Content Preview:

Health & Wellness
Professor Name:
(April 15, 2012)
Health & Wellness
Majority of people are now prioritizing on living a healthy life nowadays. This has been triggered by the enormous healthy living information that is mainly disseminated in the various weekly journals. People have also been made aware on how to successfully combat their physical and emotional health, through regular exercise, proper dietary and spiritual and emotional stability. Availability of ready information has also greatly enhanced proper feeding and training, and thus it has significantly transformed people`s lifestyles especially in the contemporary world. Through the health information people are now able to effectively come up with good training program. In my paper I will analyze three weekly journals related to health and wellness amongst people.
First weekly Journal: IDEA Fitness Journal
According to IDEA Fitness Journal, there is a huge benefit that accrues to people who engage themselves in regular training programs. This is because maintaining physical fitness not only helps us to be more flexible, but it also prevents us from health related problems that may threaten our lives and proper functioning of the body. This weekly journal is publicized ten times a year, and contains tips to a healthy living. The journal clearly indicates that in order to efficiently obtain our training objectives, it is important to have a well-set program, indicating the daily activities of a person. Such plan not only act as a guide, but also as a reminder of what we are supposed to be doing at a particular time and how we should do it. The review of IDEA fitness journal shows that training can be more effective if done in a group and with the assistance of a trainer. This is because people tend to be motivated when working as a team unlike while practicing individually.
Among the major challenges that people face while executing their daily training programs includes, laxity and inconsistent trainings. Laxity in most cases due to lack of a clear focus or goals while training. In addition laxity can be contributed by immense pain experienced because of the previous burn outs. Inconsistencies on the other hand are cause by the various busy schedules that people have each day.
We should be totally committed to the already set goals, and always gea...
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