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3 pages/≈825 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Essay Instructions:
I am student at the university and my major's is Health Administration. one of the courses that I am taking this semester is Health Care Economics and Policy. My professor gave us an extra credit to post our grade for the mid term exam and we have to answer these question correctly to post my grade.I will attach the questions. Thank you.
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The Affordable Insurance Exchanges were created by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) that was passed into law by congress and signed in March 2010 (healthcareinsurance, n.d). The main purpose of the exchanges is to provide information to citizens on healthcare providers who meet the qualifications set by the authorities to offer health services in the areas they reside. They also monitor the health care providers to ensure they continuously offer the services listed. This is through periodic checks to ensure the standards and services listed are being offered and any additional services can be listed. This is in accordance with the Federal government`s resolve to offer state regulated, standardized and affordable health care to individuals and small businesses that employ up to 100 people.
Majority of those who are uninsured do not know where to get these services competitively and the opening of these exchanges will ensure the citizens get to know all the services that are available in the market and be able to make informed choices. As Brown (2011) says the creation of this market place for health care insurance will promote competition among the providers and this will ensure the people get services at very competitive prices and this will ensure affordability. The exchanges will increase accessibility of quality medical care to the majority of the American population. The government will also be involved to ensure the citizens are not exploited by any of the health care providers. The establishment of these exchanges will create an organized market for buying health insurance products especially to many individual business people who are uninsured. The state can however choose to cover other large employers in the future. When these exchanges will be fully in place, they will ensure that health care services are greatly accessible and affordable to majority of American population.
There are two main types of exchanges; the state run and the privately run exchanges. The government will however have a supervisory role aver all the exchanges to ensure they meet the standards that it will set for the market. However a state can still appoint a private insurer to run its agency. The government will set the standards to be followed by all the private exchanges that choose to participate in the process. They will select the number and type of insurers to participate, the type of pla...
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