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Health Statistics: The significance of statistical application in health care

Essay Instructions:

Statistical application and the interpretation of data is important in health care. Review the statistical concepts covered in this topic. In a 750-1,000 word paper, discuss the significance of statistical application in health care. Include the following:

-Describe the application of statistics in health care. **Specifically discuss its significance to *quality, *safety, *health promotion, and *leadership.

-Consider your organization or specialty area (The ICU) and how you utilize statistical knowledge.

-Discuss how you obtain statistical data, how statistical knowledge is used in day-to-day operations and how you apply it or use it in decision making.

Three peer-reviewed, scholarly or professional references are required.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Health Statistics
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Health Statistics
The application of statistics in healthcare is significant in the area of making critical decisions. Healthcare organizations use statistics as their point of reference to rate their level of performance (Mattiuzzi & Lippi, 2019). Statistics help the medical team to determine the kind of medication that works best for a specific illness. It is also crucial in ensuring that doctors can track the medical history of a particular patient avoiding the repetition process of data collection. Finally, the application of statistics in healthcare helps the government assess people's general well-being in a particular community (Kaur & Yellapu, 2018). It helps in understanding the most common medical problem in the area.
Quality of service is a common issue in most healthcare organizations. With the introduction of statistics in healthcare, most of these problems can become history. The statistic reports help in determining the failures of the organization; hence easy to decide on the best solution (Kaur & Yellapu, 2018). The data is significant when choosing the newest technology to solve a specific problem. The combination of different statistical data in healthcare can create one simple data that guides the organization on how to solve all the organization's quality issues
The statistic in healthcare also comes in handy in ensuring the safety in a particular community. Understanding the community's overall health status makes it easy to determine the best medical solution (Mattiuzzi & Lippi, 2019). The statistical data helps determine the effective treatment for a specific community issue, reducing health complications. The provision of all the healthcare statistic information regarding a particular population provides safety to society (Kaur & Yellapu, 2018). Once the exact problem is determined, it is easier to develop a permanent solution for the problem.
Through the statistical analysis, the promotion of the healthcare industry is prone to follow. The statistical information study helps ensure that the health industry's problems are determined (Kaur & Yellapu, 2018). With the correct data, the medical team can reason out and develop the best solution for the problem. The different solution-seeking meetings can bring out policies that create law hence promoting the country's healthcare industry.
Leadership in healthcare organizations is one of the beneficiaries of statistics application in the healthcare system. The provision of clear information about the healthcare organization helps leaders decide (Herbert & Wijlaars, 2017). ...
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