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Health Care Policy, Personal Values and Beliefs. Essay

Essay Instructions:

Hello Sir,

I am a Masters of nursing student and write from a nursing perspective. Please strictly follow the rubric. The Turnitin should be less than 15%. Please use the reference for the year 2014 to 2018. I expect 100 %.


Write a paper of 550 words examining your personal values and beliefs. Include the following:  Describe your personal values and spiritual beliefs. Using the elements of cost, quality, and social issues to frame your description, differentiate your beliefs and opinions about health care policy. Give examples of relevant ethical principles, supported by your values. Analyze how factors such as your upbringing, spiritual or religious beliefs/doctrine, personal and professional experiences, and political ideology affect your current perspective on health care policy. Examine any inconsistencies you discovered relative to the alignment of your personal values and beliefs with those concerning health policy. Discuss what insights this has given you. 

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I need only 550 words.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Health Care Policy, Personal Values and Beliefs
 Spiritual beliefs and personal values influence healthcare policy choice support, and the beliefs also motivate their choice (Koenig, 2014). Social representations and social interactions affect how people chose to support or oppose specific health policy initiatives. When there is access to information, more people are informed about the health policy, and as nurses are expected to be patient advocates, they ought to be more proactive in supporting health care policies, without ignoring cultural competence. Values, professional experience, and spiritual beliefs shape an individual’s worldview, and this influences attitudes toward health care policy. 
Personal values and spiritual beliefs
My values include acceptance, humility, love, self-confidence, honesty human dignity, integrity, autonomy, altruism, quality, generosity, excellence, equality, ethical, honest and productivity and social Justice. Nursing is a caring profession, and this best demonstrated by a nurse's ability to embody the five core values of professional nursing. My core nursing values are human dignity, integrity, autonomy, altruism, and social justice. The caring professional nurse integrates these values in clinical practice. My personal beliefs regarding nursing are person, environment and health. I respect myself and others since I am honest about whom I am and speak for I speak and stand for truth. I value the protection of life and equality, where everyone has an opportunity to succeed without being discriminated against.  Spirituality is an essential aspect of my life, as it brings me closer to God and I make decisions which are consistent with my morals and values. 
Beliefs and opinions about health care policy
The principle of autonomy indicates that a patient has capacity and the right to self-determination or freedom of choice, which must be respected to the extent that it does not affect others. The beliefs and opnions are respecting autonomy, doing no harm (nonmaleficence), benefiting others (beneficence), being just (justice) and being faithful (fidelity) (Noordsy, 2016). Justice is ensuring there no discrimination while there is equal treatment as people are accorded the same dignity, and this extends to equity in the common distribution of resources and goods as well as opportunities to access these goods (Noordsy, 2016). Fidelity is an attitude of one being faithful and committed to their ideas, feelings or obligations as they are loyal and trustworthy (Noordsy, 2016).
I believe that there should be improved access to health and lower cost to achieve this without compromising the quality of care. If the health practitioners and pharmaceutical firms are truthful about the cost they incur and whether people require specific medical interventions, it is less likely that they will be motivated by profits only. Bye, Ghirardelli, & Fontes (2016) pointed out that the quality of care should be prioritized to provide adequate care to individuals and groups of people in a way that improves health outcomes efficiently.
Health care should be patient-centered, and this ensures that care provision is appropriate and there is a focus on holistic care and patient consent. This is consistent with doing no harm (nonmaleficence) for the patients to improve their wellbeing when providing health care there is a need to minimize risks and do no harm to the patients and efforts should be made to inform patients about medical decisions where possible (Noordsy, 2016). Furthermore,...
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