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Critique of Research Studies. Health, Medicine, Nursing Essay

Essay Instructions:

Critique of Research Studies Instructions


Complete a critique of the quantitative and qualitative articles that were submitted in Topic 3.

This assignment will be completed in three parts. Refer to the information below as a guide to the information that should be included in each part.

Follow the guidelines for the quantitative and qualitative article critiques in Box 5.2: Guide to an Overall Critique of a Quantitative Research Report, and Box 5.3: Guide to an Overall Critique of a Qualitative Research Report, in Chapter 5 of the Nursing Research: Generating and Assessing Evidence for Nursing Practice textbook.

1. Utilize a central heading to indicate that what follows is the critique of the articles.

2. The side headings of the critique for each article should follow the headings in Box 5.2 and Box 5.3 in Chapter 5 of the Nursing Research: Generating and Assessing Evidence for Nursing Practice textbook.

3. Note that within these basic guidelines, there are additional references to Detailed Critiquing Guidelines found in additional boxes in other chapters of the Nursing Research: Generating and Assessing Evidence for Nursing Practice textbook focused on the various elements of a research study report. Use these to expand the research study and to learn specific terminology appropriate to the critique of research.

When turning in the final submission, please put the elements in the following order: Quantitative Article Critique, Qualitative Article Critique, References (which should include the two articles, the text, and any other additional sources).

Critique of Research Studies – Part 1: Due Topic 4

For Part 1 of the critique, focus only on the following segments for each article:

Quantitative Qualitative

• Title • Title

• Abstract • Abstract

• Introduction • Introduction

o Statement of the problem o Statement of the problem

o Hypotheses or research questions o Research questions

o Literature review o Literature review

o Conceptual/Theoretical framework o Conceptual underpinnings

Critique of Research Studies – Part 2: Due Topic 6

For Part 2 of the critique, focus only on the following segments for each article:

Quantitative Qualitative

• Method • Method

o Protection of human rights o Protection of participants’ rights

o Research design o Research design and research tradition

o Population and sample o Sample and setting

o Data collection and measurement o Data collection

o Procedures o Procedures

o Enhancement of trustworthiness

Critique of Research Studies - Part 3: Due Topic 8

For Part 3 of the critique, focus only on the following segments for each article:

Quantitative Qualitative

• Results • Results

o Data analysis o Data analysis

o Reliability and validity o Theoretical integrations

• Discussion • Discussion

o Interpretation of findings o Interpretation of the findings

o Implications/Recommendations o Implications/Recommendations

• Global Issues • Global Issues

o Presentation o Presentation

o Researcher credibility o Researcher credibility

o Summary assessment o Summary assessment

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Research Critique
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Research Critique
Quantitative research: Assessing Learning Styles of Graduate Entry Nursing Students as a Classroom Research Activity
The title provided by the author clearly states the main topic of the study, which can also be supported by the problem statement. The total number of words exceeds the recommended length, which is 15.
The authors have included the background, objective, methodology, results, and conclusion in the abstract. However, very little information is provided concerning the objective and the results.
The article’s introduction begins by providing background information regarding what is known and unknown about the issue. The authors also discuss the significance of addressing the problem, stating that identifying the different learning styles will enable students to learn the coursework in whichever style that is suitable for them.
Statement of Problem
According to Nieswiadomy (2008), the statement of problem needs to include the population and variables and needs to be written in interrogative form. The statement of purpose in the article outlines an investigation in the southwestern university for five years that is aimed at describing the different styles of learning for nursing students at entry level.” The statement is interrogative and narrows down the study population to the graduate nursing students at the entry level.
Research Question
The research question in the article is in line with the statement of the problem. Gonzales et al. (2016) lay out the question as “what the predominant learning styles are of graduate entry nursing students?” The question is clear, concise and outlines the goal of the study.
Literature Review
The references cited in the article are from peer-reviewed sources, and the majority of them are current since they were published within 5 to 10 years.
Theoretical Framework
The authors base their research on the statement that nursing programs have seen the need to change their learning strategies to fit the personal styles of learning. Nonetheless, the article fails to clearly describe its theoretical framework besides the fact that every quantitative research should incorporate a theoretical framework (Nieswiadomy, 2008).
Qualitative Research: Patients experience of weaning from mechanical ventilation
The title of the article is accurate, clear and unambiguous. The title is also free of bias since it does not take sides on the problem stated. The authors can also be considered as knowledgeable in this field of study based on their titles as Medicinae Doctors.
The abstract does not contain the research question, recommendations, findings, and methodology. Instead, the authors focus more on the background of the study.
Cook, Meade, and Perry (2001) describe the importance of the study in the introduction section, stating that the study findings would help clinicians when attending to patients. The authors also justify the use of qualitative research, stating that clinicians are trained to make conclusions based on pathophysiological reasoning and rationale (Cook, Meade & Perry, 2001).
Statement of Purpose
The purpose of the study is also clearly stated in the abstract and in the introduction. The statement clearly defines the topic to be studied that is to analyze the studies on weaning from mechanical ventilation (Cook, Meade & Perry, 2001).
Research Question
The article lacks a clear and concise research question. Despite its significance in reflecting the statement of purpose as described by Coughlan, Ryan, and Cronin (2007), the authors fail to include it.
Literature Review
The study acknowledges different researches that were previously carried out using observational methods rather than statistical analysis.
Theoretical Framework
The study was also aimed at explaining the theory of weaning from mechanical ventilation rather than testing it. The analysis of published studies on the topic enabled the authors to establish how the focus was determined.
Quantitative Research: Assessing Learning Styles of Graduate Entry Nursing Students as a Classroom Research Activity
The article explains the use of a descriptive design and administering the index of learning style to students during the research. Participation was voluntary, and the sampling method can be considered to be random.
Protection of Human Rights
The authors state that the anonymity of the students and faculty was maintained throughout the investigation. However, they fail to mention the means by which they maintained their anonymity.
Research Design
The authors used a descriptive design to accurately portray the participants. The study was observational since it involved viewing the participants and recording them. For this reason, the design was appropriate for the study.
Population and Sample
The 202 students who participated in the study represented the entire population of graduate nursing students at the entry level. Being a quantitative analysis, the sample size was large enough to represent the population. The setting was in the southwestern university, which enabled the authors to gather information accurately, and the ensured the reliability of the data collected.
Data Collection and Measurement
The collection of data was done using questionnaires in the Index of Learning Styles (ILS) that was administered to the students. The ILS instruments were selected using a detailed rationale after they were taken through extensive psychometric analysis. Scoring on the ILS was interpreted by considering the strength of the preference.
The authors provided enough information concerning the statistical procedures incorporated into the investigation. The online calculator at ‘/sscalc.htm’ was used to determine the sample size and margin of error (Gonzales et al., 2016). The procedure for choosing ILS instruments was done using thorough psychometric analysis.
Enhancement of Trustworthiness
The authors performed tests of validity, reliability, and association to ensure that the investigation was trustworthy. The use of the 3-factor model to test the validity of the ILS proves the consistency of the investigation and the author’s regard for trustworthiness.
Qualitative Research: Patients experience of weaning from mechanical ventilation
The authors conducted thorough bibliographical searches and sought the help of experts to select the appropriate articles for analyzing. The study lacks a philosophical approach since the study was meant to analyze other investigations rather than conduct an actual investigation.
Protection of Human Rights
The authors do not explain whether they informed the authors of the articles which they used for the analysis. Since the study analyses previous investigations, then the authors need to be informed.
Research Design
The authors justify their reliance on objective qualitative studies stating that clinicians are meant to think mechanistically as opposed to the epidemiologic approach recommended by quantitative studies.
Population and Sample
The participants used in the study were appropriate for the investigations since the study type was in-depth and such a study requires a small number of participants. The small participants represented a group of patients who experienced weaning from mechanical ventilation.
Data Collection
Some of the res...
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