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Migrant health and access to healthcare

Essay Instructions:
NURSING Research Paper Guidelines Student's Name: CMA Topic: migrant health and access to healthcare. 1) Choose a community health nursing-related health topic that affects or potentially will affect the public's health. Examples may include broad topics such as: bioterrorism, communicable disease control, environmental health issues, cultural impact on health, poverty, migrant health, compromised populations, violence and abuse, health care policy, or global health issues. 2) Review current evidence-based literature on this topic. The American Journal of Public Health, Public Health Nursing, and Family and Community Health are some examples of peer review journals you may use. Select at least three peer review journals that relates to your topic of interest. Your text book can also be a source of reference. Public Health Nursing Population –Centered Health Care in the Community; Maria Stanhope, Jeanette Lancaster. Submit your paper to turn-it-in. 3) Using your articles, write a 5 page paper [excluding title and references pages] on your selected topic. Answer the following questions in your own words with the use of the APA guidelines. Review Plagiarism Policy. - Structure paper according to question order a. Describe the health issue. Discuss the significance of the topic to the population and to you. Why did you choose this topic? Show statistics 20 points b. Explain why your topic is an issue of concern for the public. Who is affected by this health issue and why? - Who= Migrant farmworkers, seasonal farmworkers, Poor, uneducated, underserved populations, why= they have inadequate access to health care which leads to a heavier burden on the community through increased illness, longer hospital stays, increased morbidity, and mortality rates which lead to an increased cost to tax payers. 20 points c. How would you as the Community Health Nurse (CHN) solve this issue? Include collaboration from professionals, organizations, and agencies and multilevel approaches. Incorporate current CHN practice and provide examples of innovative and effective nursing interventions. - First assess the communication barrier, and involve interpreters as needed. Then begin teaching about healthy living practices such as healthier meal preparation, annual check-ups with primary care provider, immunizations, and exercise regimen, ways to access affordable health insurance in low income areas (Social Services). Build a Nurse-client relationship, Involve community leaders and church members in spreading positive attitudes toward healthier life styles. Include the local health department, political leaders, and community resources. Discuss occupational safety and health, oral health , environmental health and sexual transmitted diseases. Current CHN practices include teaching within the school system and to at risk populations through videos and lectures that are easy to understand. Use return demonstration when evaluating shopping habits at the market and food preparation. Nurses also teach the importance of immunizations, and seeing a health care provider frequently for preventative treatment and assistance with transportation. 20 points d. Conclude with implications for the practice of the CHN now and in the future. What are your recommendations? - Better health within the community will allow this minority population to have increased quality of life as well as increased performance at school and work. 20 points e. APA guidelines followed. - No in text citation, just paraphrasing please site at throughout 10 points f. Spelling, grammar, and sentence structure appropriate. 10 points Total 100 points Note: I would like to thank you for taking the time to assist with this writing assignment. I have added some bulleted notes to the grading rubric in order to better assist with the assignment.
Essay Sample Content Preview:

Community-health-Nursing Migrant health and access to healthcare
Currently, migrants and other mobile people such as those seeking asylum and migrant workers are considered among populations of growing political, demographic and social importance. Disparities often emerge between the place of origin and the destination of the migrant especially when health determinants are concerned. The effects of the disparities can be witnessed at both population and individual levels. The topic is significant because migration across diseases and health disparities have direct influence on epidemiology of specific diseases worldwide and in the countries hosting them. The topic is essential to migrant communities because the health issues they and other underserved populations face are the same as those faced by disadvantaged groups such as recent immigrants and the rural poor. The health condition that migrant communities face are lack of financial resources to seek early treatment of diseases, poor nutrition since they cannot afford nutritious diets, poor sanitation, illiteracy, and contagious diseases as a result of overcrowding and poor housing conditions (Ugalde 1997). The health problems the migrants face because of unfamiliarity with the host’s cultures and low income status is further compounded by health risk and inherent dangers posed by their occupation and their lifestyle. Migrants usually experience severe and frequent health problems than other population groups in America. This topic is important to me because it will give me a chance of interacting and researching more on the problems that face the migrant populations since minimal studies have been conducted on the health issues that affect the migrants. The few studies that have been conducted only rely on retrospective call of illnesses, self reporting problems, or mainly depend on obstacles that hinder provision of quality health care to the migrants. However, when there is direct interaction with the population, it will be easier to assess their medical needs, cultural barriers, financial problems, social problems and their fears in order to develop strategies that would enable them access quality health care. According to national census bureau, by 2010, the population of migrants was 1,042,625, making the migrants community one of the largest minorities in USA.
According to Ruzza (2011), migrant health is a major healthcare issue in USA. The issue of immigrant health is a major public issue in terms of the health risk they face as a result of their lifestyle, poverty and culture and the local population’s perception that they are a threat to the public health .The continued influx of residents from high diseases prevalence areas will increase the disease base of the low disease incidence migrant receiving areas. As such, the health facilities may be overstretched thus hindering quality healthcare. A large number of studies have indicated that a large proportion of migrant communities are from poor background who seek economic reprieve in other countries. Although other factors such as natural disasters and war may contribute to the increased numbers of migrants, most of them are generally poor. Due to poverty and fear of incarceration for being in America illegally, migrant communities are least likely to seek health redress in public health sectors and majority of them do not receive preventive care. Most of migrants face health problems due to a number of factors that include illiteracy, cultural backgrounds that are different from local populations and health service providers, lack of enough money to sustain a healthy lifestyle, poor sanitation that may lead to infectious diseases, poor occupational and working environment as most of them work illegally and are not represented by unions, ignorance in diseases that may lead to increased mortality, engaging in risky behaviors such as unprotected sex and self medication, and lack of awareness on current issues on health care. Due to fear, being in the country illegally and discrimination, most of the migrants do not seek health insurance cover and so it becomes difficult for them to afford quality health care resulting to self medication that usually leads to high rates of mortality among the migrants. Minimal investment in terms of health facilities and health service providers in areas that are inhabited by migrants, problems of transportation to healthcare amenities, discrimination, poor health policies concerning the migrant populations, cultural differences and communication barriers, and lack of awareness are the major issues that contribute to poor access to health care by migrants. High poverty levels, legal requirements, job conditions and cultural background can be stated to be the major factors that influence their decision to seek medical care.
As a community health nurse, there are several w...
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