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Nursing: The effect of poverty on obesity within the African American Community

Essay Instructions:
NURSING Research Paper Guidelines-NAT Paper Topic: The effect of poverty on obesity within the African American Community - Paper Guidelines: 1) Choose a community health nursing-related health topic that affects or potentially will affect the public's health. Examples may include broad topics such as: bioterrorism, communicable disease control, environmental health issues, cultural impact on health, poverty, migrant health, compromised populations, violence and abuse, health care policy, or global health issues. 2) Review current evidence-based literature on this topic. The American Journal of Public Health, Public Health Nursing, and Family and Community Health are some examples of peer review journals you may use. Select at least three peer review journals that relates to your topic of interest. Your text book can also be a source of reference (Public Health Nursing Population-Centered Health Care in the Community by M. Stanhope &J. Lancaster). Submit your paper to turn-it-in on the due date. 3) Using your articles, write a 5 page paper [excluding title and references pages] on your selected topic. Answer the following questions in your own words with the use of the APA guidelines. No Plagiarism allowed. a. Describe the health issue. Discuss the significance of the topic to the population and to you. Why did you choose this topic? Show statistics 20 points b. Explain why your topic is an issue of concern for the public. Who is affected by this health issue and why? There are a large number of people who live in poverty; therefore there will be a large number of individuals who are obese. Obesity is prone to many health complications, these complications can prevent individuals from contributing to the economy and community. 20 points c. How would you as the Community Health Nurse solve this issue? Include collaboration from professionals, organizations, and agencies and multilevel approaches. Incorporate current Community Health Nurse practice and provide examples of innovative and effective nursing interventions. As a community health nurse I would assist with the rationing and allocation of resources through lobbying and writing letters. Involve elected officials, public health departments, churches and local resource centers (ex.YMCA). 20 points d. Conclude with implications for the Nursing practice of the Community Health Nurse now and for the future. What are your recommendations? More teaching needs to take place among care givers and clients. There will be an increased need for community outreach programs and increased monetary assistance examples include Social Service Programs and Women Infant Child Program. Reference CDC and Healthy People 2020 from the internet. 20 points e. APA guidelines followed. No in text citations only paraphrasing 10 points f. Spelling, grammar, and sentence structure appropriate. 10 points Total 100 points I would like to thank you for taking the time to work on this writing assignment. In have added some italicized words to the grading rubric for easier writing. Please contact me with any questions. Again these notes are not mandatory just suggestions.
Essay Sample Content Preview:

The effect of poverty on obesity within the African American community
The effect of poverty on obesity within the African American Community
The Incidence of obesity and overweight among African Americans is the highest in America. Obesity is in an ever-rising trend because Americans eat more but engage in minimal physical activities. According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 43% of all children and 73% of adults in the United States of America or obese or overweight. Among African American adults, more than two third are obese or overweight. Carrying heavyweight increases the risk of one developing high blood pressure and type II diabetes, the diseases that have drastic effects on African Americans. In African American communities, the cultural view of normal body size has played a key role in increasing obesity among them. Many African-American women view big body sizes as attractive and so they engage in unhealthy lifestyles that may increase the risk of diseases. It is an accepted fact among African Americans that overweight and curvy women appeal to African American men than underweight or normal women. As such, there is distortion of body image as slender women seek for ways of gaining weight in order to be accepted. On the account of this, statistics show that 4 out of 5 African American women are obese or overweight. It is even a worrying trend that most of these women make unhealthy choices of being obese Healthy Living Institute (1989).
Compared with women from other ethnicity groups, African American women report less exercise. Most of them have the perception that it is not feminine or are afraid of soiling themselves through sweat or fear that sweat would spoil their hairpin addition, other hindrances such as not having enough time for physical exercise or due to insecurity in their neighborhoods may be a key factor of not engaging in enough physical exercises. African American men also face problems of overweight or obesity. For instance, African American men exercise less than European American women. However, African American men are more active when compared to their female counterparts. Most African American families are headed by women, who may be sedentary and overweight, a fact that increases the possibility of children and black men being overweight. Portion control, healthy eating habits and regular exercises are not included in the family structures of African Americans. One in five African America boys and one in four African American girls are overweight.Currently,type II diabetes and high blood pressure, which was normally considered as adult diseases have a high prevalence among overweight or obese children (Porqueras, 2011).
The African American`s "soul food" culture has played a key role in compounding obesity problems. Most of the recipes for their cooking style are passed down from one generation to the other. There is a social component of the style of cooking that is mostly centered on family meetings or a chance of the family`s matriarchy showing her affection to the family. Most of these foods are sugar laden, have a lot of fat and have a large amount of salts that may lead to high blood pressure and uncontrolled weight gain. Even the family that may desire to liver a healthy lifestyle may not afford it due to high levels of poverty and illiteracy among African Americans.
Obesity and overweight are major health issues among African Americans and the US population in general. The issue of obesity among African American people is a major public concern because of their sedentary lifestyle, poor eating habits, culture, illiteracy and high levels of poverty that is threating the entire community with risks such as high blood pressure, coronary heart diseases and diabetes. The major point of concern is that obesity among children and teenagers is at an all time high and there is a shocking increasing trend of heart diseases among children. The effects of poverty are a major health issue among AfricanAmericans.Several studies have concluded that there is a direct relationship between poverty and health conditions related to overweight or obesity. African Americans are more at risk of lifestyle diseases because of lack of awareness on their dietary intake, poverty levels that force them to consume junk foods and t...
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