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3 pages/≈825 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
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Health Maintenance And Screening Plans

Essay Instructions:

Health Maintenance and Screening Plans

Clinical preventive services, such as routine disease screening and scheduled immunizations, are key to reducing death and disability and improving the Nation’s health. Yet, despite the fact that these services are covered by Medicare, Medicaid, and many private insurance plans under the Affordable Care Act, millions of children, adolescents, and adults go without clinical preventive services that could protect them from developing a number of serious diseases or help them treat certain health conditions before they worsen.


This paper is a comprehensive discussion of an evidence-based practices with examples

Please Discuss preventative services and ways to promote and overcome the barriers in the clinical practice to deliver holistic care including the recommended services for all patients across a lifespan. Please include examples, evidence-based information and references to support your work.

Please use most recent evidence-based references

3 recent evidence-based practice references is the minimum, you can use more than 3 references if you need.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Name: Instructor: Institution: Date: Health maintenance and screening plans Introduction Clinical preventive programs such as scheduled immunization and periodic disease screening are very important in maintaining a healthy population. However, a large portion of the general population still develops serious diseases despite the fact that these health programs are covered by Medicaid, Medicare and numerous insurance plans. Therefore, it is evident that we must establish evidence-based strategies of overcoming such barriers that hinder the delivery of holistic care throughout the lifespan of people. Disparities in health literacy parallel disparities in health outcomes. As a result, health literacy is an important asset as it increases people’s capability to acquire and apprehend fundamental health facts and services required to make correct health judgments. Consequently, one barrier to clinical preventive programs is the limited information that patients have on their overall health. According to Kim (2017), majority of Americans are not familiar with how their bodies work. For instance, people increase their risk of suffering from incontinence by taking limited fluids and yet they do not recognize that. An appropriate evidence-based approach for handling this issue is “health promotion and disease prevention through population-based interventions, including action to address social determinants and health inequity”. This approach empowers people as it increases their control over their health (WHO, 2018). It is efficient when embraced by people at a bigger risk of having undesirable health effects. It addresses lifelong health factors such as tubbiness, physical idleness, mental health, injury deterrence, and drug abuse management. An educated individual understand his/her own body thus will seek medical services when needed. This extends to mother as they just don’t seek immunization for their children but understand the importance of their children being immunized. Furthermore, other than just identifying the obvious health issues in patients, clinical preventive programs and screening services also identify and prevent unique health problems in people. People are biological similar but may suffer from particular health problems with regards to age group, gender, place of work, lifestyle etc. However, stereotypical attitudes from health care professionals have been a great barrier in identifying and preventing such issues. In health promotion, many nurses and physicians have been accused of “giving out knowledge” rather than listening to the patients’ story. However, the implementation of person‐centered care (PCC) in clinics encourages nurses and physicians to recognize patients as equal associates in the establishment and valuation of their health care needs. This evidence-based approach employs an outline that...
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