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1 pages/≈275 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Reimbursement and Quality of Healthcare Services

Essay Instructions:

1. Reimbursement in the future is projected to be based on customer satisfaction and positive outcome. Do you agree or disagree with this prediction? Cite at least two references using APA documentation to support your rationale.

2. Patients often equate the quality of the service with the quality of health care. How can you change this perception using surveys and research? Cite at least one reference using APA documentation to support your rationale.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Reimbursement and Quality of Healthcare ServicesNameInstitutional AffiliationDate Customer satisfaction and positive patient outcome should be the basis of reimbursement in the future due to different reasons. Increase in reimbursements has forced most of the healthcare providers to come up with different ways of cutting down on their expenses. The medical insurance providers have merged to make sure they negotiate lower rates of reimbursement for the medical providers. As Robbin (2018) notes, the best approach of resolving the issue is basing the reimbursements on the quality of care that is delivered by these medical care providers and the satisfaction of the customersCITATION Vin18 \l 1033 (Robbins, 2018). Most of the healthcare facilities are using surveys on the patients to get to know their experience with certain services at the facility. In the US healthcare, priority is laid on the quality of medical services, and this has played a significant role in improving healthcare CITATION You12 \l 1033 (Youssra & Kevin, 2012). Provision of quality healthcare will reduce the number of visits of the patient to the same facility or the sa...
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