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Health Issues Represented in the Media

Essay Instructions:

In this assignment, you will explore how “health” and health issues are represented in the media, according to the different approaches to health discussed in the course. You will explore some of the potential implications of these presentations for the public understanding of health.
1. Choose one (1) of the following articles (available via Assignment #1 module on Quercus):
• National Post, Better sit down for this assessment of our ailing health care system
• Associated Press, Weight-loss drug Belviq seems safe for heart, study finds
• National Post, Healthier living could reduce worldwide dementia by a third, report says
• CBC, The long road to a new Canada’s Food Guide
2. Critically analyze your article by addressing the following points in your assignment
1. What is the dominant explanatory framework used in the article? Justify your choice.
a. Medical/bio-medical model
b. Behavioural model
c. Socio-environmental model
d. Political economic model
2. How well does this article capture the concepts of health promotion we’ve been learning about in the course? Justify your response.
3. Discuss the implications of the use of dominant model in media reports about health.
a. What is good about the use of this model? What is bad about the use of this model?
b. How might this model impact public understandings of the health issue discussed in the article?
c. What are some implications of such public understandings?
Be especially mindful of academic integrity in this assignment! Be careful not to share and submit papers with similar points and structure! It is important that you DO NOT
SUMMARIZE the article itself; instead, present your critical analysis of how health issues are reported in the media by drawing on the course materials discussed to date. You will be graded
on your level of synthesis, critical commentary and use of course materials.

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Health in Media
Obesity has already been considered a global epidemic because of its continuously growing cases that lead to many health problems such as diabetes, hypertension, kidney disease, etc. It also does not help much that many aspects of the lives of people like food options, and inaccessibility of sound advice about nutrition and health, promote a sedentary and unhealthy lifestyle. Thus, increasing the risk of an individual to suffer from the aforementioned health conditions among many others. In this paper, the article with the title “Weight-loss drug Belviq seems safe for heart, study finds” will be discussed in relation to health promotion.
Dominant Framework of the Article
Among the many possible explanatory frameworks, the socio-environmental model is the most applicable in the article “Weight-loss drug Belviq seems safe for heart, study finds”. First, the article tackles obesity and other conditions such as hypertension and diabetes mellitus in relation to having an increased body weight. Aside from focusing on the biological or medical aspect of the conditions, the article recognizes that there are options available to aid in an individual’s journey towards health and wellness. The possible options are exercise, lifestyle changes which include proper diet and nutrition, and taking medications such as Belviq.
Second, the article recognizes the power of behavior and decision-making of the individual involved which prevents the patient from relying too much on medications in trying to battle obesity and the possible health conditions that it also brings to a person. However, the article does not solely put the focus on behavior or the patient’s compliance with regards to proper nutrition and healthy lifestyle changes. It is a combination of the different factors that may help the specific needs of an individual.
Lastly, the scientific research regarding the advantages, disadvantages, and possible risks when Belviq is taken by an individual who wants to lose weight provides facts that will help the patient to make an informed decision (Alvarez et al., 2018). This involves the freedom for the individual/patient to utilize the socio-environmental model to target specific areas that will create positive change towards the goal.
Concepts of Health Promotion
Health promotion is defined as the process of promoting the control of an individual over his/her health condition. This involves interventions that will result in health and wellness. This can be seen in the article involving Belviq, and other applications as to how health promo...
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