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2 pages/≈550 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Comparison Water, Gatorade, and Powerade

Essay Instructions:

The title of your presentation is Water: An Overlooked Essential Nutrient. A law firm has requested that you introduce yourself, explain why you are at the firm, and discuss the value of hydration. Once those elements have been addressed, the goal of this lab is to create an essay or handout that compares water, Gatorade, and Powerade on the following categories.
Daily recommendations
Nutrient content
Advantages of consumption (include research reviews)
Safety levels
Disadvantages of consumption (include research reviews)
Ultimately, you need to make a recommendation on which beverage meets the needs of the law firm, and you need to back your recommendation with three pieces of evidence.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
I am an ecologist who specializes in water engineering. I offer advice on the provision of clean water, proper disposal of wastewater and sewage, and prevention of flood damage. Water is an essential element in our diet. Everyone’s despite their age, needs water for the body to function. All the cells, tissues, and organs work consumption of enough water each day plays a crucial role in regulating body temperature, boosting the immune system, keeping the joints lubricated, excrete waste, maintaining blood pressure, and delivering nutrients from one cell to another. In addition, research showcases that being well hydrated improves sleep quality, cognitive abilities, general mood, and o overall general health.
Daily intake of water depends on people’s perception of what is enough. The majority of the people think the average adult male should drink 13 cups while the female drinks 9 cups while for others, one cup is enough. Gatorade and powered are sports drinks that have no daily recommendation. They contain water and other high added sugar and salt levels designed to boost performance during relatively intense workouts. Water consists of minerals that help in bone formation, digestion, excretion, lubrication. Therefore, experts recommend daily consumption of water. The nutrient makeup of water, Gatorade, and powered varies greatly. Gatorade and Powerade exhibit similar nutrient contents such as sodium, potassium, carbohydrates, vitamins, and sugars. Besides, water is an essential element that contains minerals and electrolytes with the addition of nitrates, zinc, sulfates, and calcium. However, sports drinks are favored and ...
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