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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Health Insurance, Universal Health Coverage, Alternate Ethics Principles, and Health Policy

Essay Instructions:

(1) Differentiate how being insured versus uninsured impacts health outcomes relative to this issue.
(2) Compare health outcomes for the issue between the United States and a country with universal health coverage.
(3) Hypothesize how existing disparities might be eliminated using alternate ethics principles.
(4) Critique whether the applicable ethics principles are consistent with the ANA's Code of Ethics for Nurses
(5) Appraise how religious/spiritual beliefs and values have influenced progress in addressing the issue – either negatively or positively.
(6) Compare differences in ideologies related to the issue across political party lines, geographic regions, and countries of the world.
(7) Assess the past and present impact nurses, including advanced professional/ advanced practice nurses, have made in addressing this health issue.
(8) Describe how nurses can become more broadly involved with influencing health policy related to this issue. Include available resources.
(9) Hypothesize how nurses can positively impact future outcomes related to the provision of care for persons affected by the health issue.

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Health and Medicine
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1.Differentiate how being insured versus uninsured impacts health outcomes relative to this issue.
Treating cases of substance abuse is very crucial to people globally. Nevertheless, the treatment procedure is quite expensive and without insurance is unaffordable to very many people. Cases of drug abuse, addiction and alcoholism are increasing on a daily basis, while their treatment remains expensive and lengthy. Substance abuse which is a mental disorder is now receiving equal insurance coverage like other physical disorders in the US. The health outcome of an uninsured person with a substance abuse disorder is at stake since it is not easy to pay for the expensive and lengthy treatment. On the other hand, an insured person with a substance abuse disorder can successfully receive treatment since the insurance plans can cover for both detoxification and rehabilitation Stage (Inciardi, 2014).
2, Compare health outcomes for the issue between the United States and a country with universal health coverage.
Canada unlike the United States has universal health coverage. The country gives its citizens a collective access to health care. This is different from the United States where healthcare is greatly privatized with a majority of the people relying on insurance covers to afford Care. Despite the major efforts of Canadian government to curb Substance Abuse disorder, there are still many challenges that make the country struggle with the issue. One such issue is Concurrent Disorder in the country where mental disorder combines with substance use disorder. This leads to a very difficult case to treat and need more support from healthcare. Healthcare provided in Canada is still weak due to the overwhelming numbers of people who seek free treatment. The United States has been able to handle better the issue of Substance Abuse than Canada through insurance and privatized healthcare which is of better quality (Perry, 2012).
3. Hypothesize how existing disparities might be eliminated using alternate ethics principles.
Healthcare inequalities in the US exist along socioeconomic class and ethnicity. These differences have led to substance inequities in the US. Individuals suffering from Healthcare disparities fail to enjoy their liberty, right to life and happiness pursuit. Clearly, Health disparities amount to real classism and racism since they are responsible for existing discriminations felt by weak population members. The American Medical Association (AMA) encourages medical staffs to check their practices to make sure they offer equal medical care. AMA assists medical students and physicians cut healthcare gaps on basis of culture and race. They discusses with healthcare workers inequalities in healthcare, components of disparities in healthcare and give them facilitation guide that aid them in providing better services to the patients (Karberg, 2011).
4. Critique whether the applicable ethics principles are consistent with the ANA's Code of Ethics for Nurses.
The ANA’s Code of Ethics for Nurses was created as a steer for conducting nursing responsibilities in a way consistent with excellence in nursing care. It was also created to steer ethical obligations of the nursing profession.  The AMA ethical principles are consistent with the ANA's Code of Ethics for Nurses. This is because they uphold fairness in treatment of patients and describe clearly disparity components in healthcare. AMA ethical principles are further in line with ANA’s code of conducts because they adhere to policies set in the nurses’ code of conduct (Cohen, 2014)
5. Appraise how religious/spiritual beliefs and values have influenced progress in addressing the issue–either negatively or positively.
87% of the United States identify with religion, with 83% identifying with Christianity. This means that Christianity and spirituality have a major role to play in treatment of substance abuse. Substance abuse does not only affect the victim psychologically, it also affects him physically and also spiritually. According to religion use of substance, alcoholism and smoking is a sin before God. This therefore means that adolescents and adults who go to religious services on regular basis are less likely to abuse substance, smoke or use alcohol. Converting more people to religion would mean reducing the numbers of people abusing drugs. Spirituality increases awareness, sharpens clarity, increases empathy and understanding feeling and heightens sense of purpose and meaning in a person’s life. These characteristics are essential in addiction treatment since it helps in treatment of issues like anxiety and depression(Chandler, 2010).
6. Compare differences in ideologies related to the issue across political party lines, geographic regions, and countries of the world.
The democratic party of United States believ...
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