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Health Influences of the Environment

Essay Instructions:

Generate a chart that demonstrates how the sociological environment influences the physical and mental health of individuals. Include both the physical and social environment and write a synopsis of the influence created by each item on the chart

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Health Influences of the Environment
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Health Influences of the Environment
Sociological environment relates to how humans behave to the environment. For example, their behaviors in community, at school or at work place. Furthermore, it relates to the conditions in which they live in, and how others feel about them. These factors in turn affect either negatively or positively both the mental and physical health of the people. These sociological elements overlap and interact with the elements of the physical environment to influence the health of the people and affect how they live. These environmental factors are the major causes of health differences across geographical areas, for instance counties and countries CITATION Mul05 \l 1033 (Mulroy, 2005). Factors in the social ecosystem that are paramount to health entail those related to safety, violence and social disorder. The immediate social environment is the social integration. A good example is a school where people from different localities interact. Social participation is crucial to both mental and physical health of individuals CITATION Sym99 \l 1033 (Syme & Yen, 1999). The stability of social environment ensures that both the physical and mental health of an individual is stable too. It is therefore important to ensure that the social environment is supportive for one to be healthy. An individual with many healthy social relationships gets more support from such relationships that are major determining factors to a good physical and mental health CITATION Sto96 \l 1033 (Stokokols, 1996).
The chart below gives a summary of how sociological environment influences the physical and mental health of the individuals.
BehaviorEducationEthnic Group
Living conditionsRelationships
Evaluation of selfGender
PHYSICAL HEALTHMENTAL HEALTH (Influence normal functionin...
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