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Solution and Policy Formation

Essay Instructions:

Choose a topic on which to develop a policy. This topic may address a needed change in technology, health care literacy, staffing, billing, diagnosis, etc. Using the services found in chapters 6-9 of Allied Health: Practical Issues and Trends in the New Millennium, construct a policy using the seven steps of policy formation. Address the following:

Define the problem.

Assemble the evidence of the problem or need for a policy.

Construct alternative solutions to the problem.

Select the criteria for choosing the correct solution from the alternatives.

Predict the outcomes of the policy changes.

Confront the trade-offs of not having a policy or addressing the problem.

Decide on a recommendation.

In a 1,000-1,250-word essay, explain your policy's intended use and evaluate the effect that your policy may have on patient care in America.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Policy Formation
It is usually a very notable thing, which political parties and virtually all governments take advantage of; the lack or insufficiency of health insurance for most Americans. Most Americans suffer under the burden of medical bills as a result of their lack of medical insurances. This has particularly been a huge undoing for the American health sector, and the efforts made to improve the sector. The main reason for the lack of medical insurances to most American citizens goes down to their employers, who deem these insurances as very costly. With this realization in mind, these companies opt for a strategy that would not affect their profitability that much. They, therefore, go for the deduction of the employees' salaries. It becomes a cyclical process, therefore, and in one way or another, the person who suffers most is the American citizen, the employee. The employees, therefore, end up reconsidering the decision to take up an insurance cover or not.
Problem Statement
The unemployed in the country, as well as those earning very low wages, are usually the largest portion of individuals with no medical insurance cover. This is because it is expensive and way beyond their ability, to pay the premiums for these covers. Those who tend to ignore these covers by their current sound health status , also count into this statistic of people without covers(Cochran & Sabin,n.d.)..There is also the issue of technology.Just as the trends is changing with the advancement of the digital age; it becomes, therefore, mandatory that more technological sophistication is brought into the healthcare sector in the United States. The technology applies in virtually every sphere of the healthcare industry, from the manufacture of drugs, equipment used in the health centers, as well as the various modes of treatment employed by the medical practitioners, on the patients(Jones et al.,2014).The healthcare system in America needs to update regularly its technological applications, while the bigger platform needs to address the insurance costs, to ensure that everyone is covered. Policy towards this end is therefore crucial.
There is a massive as well as rapid, change in the technological aspect of not only the healthcare industry but also all the other sectors. The importance of technological improvement in the American health sector cannot be more emphasized, considering that it brings about an increased level of care and safety, especially when dealing with delicate medical procedures or diagnoses (Cochran & Sabin, n.d.).Therapy and rehabilitation strategies are also very dependent on the utilization and optimization of the latest in technology. Efficiency and better record keeping make the need for technological embracement even more pronounced. Researchers are developing new methods of doing things, new technologies, and new procedures, which the entire system needs to address (Nathan, 2013).Perhaps a combination of the latest state-of-the-art medical equipment and the insurance cover, are what make it so expensive to get adequate medical care in the country.
Solution and Policy Formation
In what seems like a familiar rhetoric now, the Unit...
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