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Health Disparity Among Infant Non-Hispanic Blacks

Essay Instructions:

All details are attached including the annotated bibliography that is already done.

The group I will be discussing is the infant mortality rate within non-Hispanic blacks being higher than any other race.

Diversity, Stress, and Health Scholarly Research Paper Students will synthesize current research related to structured and longstanding inequalities or stressors experienced by a particular diverse group in the U.S. Students should also describe the short- and long-term health consequences related to the inequalities identified. The group selected should represent one or more of the following characteristics: race, ethnicity, gender, religion, disability, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, and age. Papers should include a synopsis, analysis, and application of current research on the chosen inequality. Papers should also include discussion of social actions or behavioral interventions intended to reduce or eliminate the inequity. Assignment components

1. Annotated Bibliography of at least 5 academic primary sources (see separate guideline sheet on Canvas for how to structure this portion)

a. Worth 15% of your paper grade

2. Final paper incorporating research from your annotated bibliography into a coherent and streamlined discussion of 5-7 double-spaced pages (see guidelines below)

a. Worth 85% of your paper grade Requirements

 No hard copy required

 Late papers will be penalized a grade step each day (i.e. B drops to B-)

 Worth 20% of your final grade

 Criteria for evaluation will include:

1) content & organization;

2) Integration of relevant class concepts;

3) Writing clarity; and

4) Originality & creativity

 5-7 double-spaced pages

 12 pt. font

 APA format required only for in-text citations and reference list

 At least five different primary sources (Academic journals or Academic-oriented books)

 Quotations from primary sources should be kept to a minimum.

 The paper must be an original work created for this class. No essays from previous classes will be accepted.

 Any instances of plagiarism will be adjudicated to the fullest extent

Sample Topics

 Any structured inequality or health disparity will work for this assignment. However, it may be helpful to choose topics that are more specific than they are broad. For example, a topic such as “racism in America” would be overly broad and impossible to distill into 7 pages. Therefore, try to select a very specific health disparity or inequality that will be easier to write about in 5-7 pages.

 Choose a diverse group experiencing a specific inequality or health disparity

 If you need help finding a topic, refer to the list of health disparities posted on Canvas under the modules section.

Potential Outline

1. Introduction

a. What is your paper’s general theme?

b. Identification of diverse group and inequality

i. Why did you choose this specific group?

ii. Rationale?

c. Specific ideas you intend to discuss

d. Statement of purpose

i. Something like, “Therefore, this paper will discuss….”

2. Summary of inequality/disparity

a. Who? What? When? Where? Why?

b. Demographics of diverse group

c. Incidence rate of health issue or adverse health effects

i. Has it been getting worse? Better?

d. Short- and long-term consequences?

3. Sociohistory

a. When & How did this inequality/disparity originate?

i. Historical and Social processes

ii. Mechanism?

b. Think critically!

i. Consider: Environment, Laws & Policies, Social Programs

1. Education, law enforcement, physical activity, diet, sanitation, etc..

4. Social Actions

a. What has or hasn’t worked to address the inequality/disparity?

b. Consider both small- and large-scale actions

c. Limitations of social actions (what aspects of the issue make it difficult to address?)

5. Conclusion

a. Summarize your main arguments concisely.

b. What’s next for this diverse group and this inequality? Future research or actions.

c. Final thoughts.

Tips for an Excellent Paper

 Create an outline before sitting down to write

o Don’t read the research as you write

o Read the research before and create an outline of your narrative

 Proofread for syntax, grammar, and clarity!!!

 Use direct quotes sparsely and only when extremely profound or necessary o If you need to discuss an academic source paraphrase their argument into your own words

 Weave academic sources with your own narrative; discuss and analyze

 Avoid simply describing your experiences; discuss and analyze them in the context of class concepts and research

 Adequately introduce your paper; tell the reader what you are going to say, why you are going to say it, and how you plan to go about it

 Adequately conclude your paper; summarize your narratives in the context of the research and give some final thoughts

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Diversity, Stress, and Health Scholarly Research Paper
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Code and Name
Instructor’s Name
Due Date
Disparity, Stress, and Health
This research paper is geared towards the determination of the health disparity occurring, whereby there is a significantly higher infant mortality rate among non-Hispanic Black children than among other races. Similarly, non-Hispanic Black adults in the United States (USA) have been experiencing health disparities due to having significantly negative social determinants of health over a long period. The reason for choosing this particular group for this research is a result of the continuing discriminatory practices occurring in the USA and to show that social determinants of health, such as racial injustices and low socioeconomic status, are some of the major reasons for the high infant mortality rate among non-Hispanic Blacks. Therefore, this paper will offer a summation of the health disparity occurring among infant non-Hispanic Blacks, discuss their sociohistory in terms of mechanism and historical or social processes, and discuss the social actions that have worked, as well as those that have not in addressing the health disparity.
Summary of the Health Disparity
The CDC (2020) defines infant mortality as the death of infants before celebrating their first birthday. The infant mortality rate is calculated per every 1000 live births. The CDC (2020) states that there were 5.4 deaths per 1000 live births among the US population in 2020, representing more than 20,000 infantile deaths. The CDC (2020) states that the main causes behind the high infant mortality include preterm birth, birth defects, low birth weight, suffocation and other womb injuries, sudden infant death syndrome, and maternal pregnancy complications. The figure below shows the specific infant mortality rates according to race and ethnicity in the United States.
As per the table above, the non-Hispanic Black cohort has the highest infant mortality rate compared to other races and ethnicities. Compared to the national average infant mortality rate, which is already surprisingly high, the health disparity occurring among the non-Hispanic Black community is double that. According to Taylor et al. (2019), non-Hispanic Black women are affected by preventable pregnancy complications four times more than non-Hispanic White women, increasing the rate of infant mortality, which is twice higher than that of the same cohort group. Taylor et al. (2019) state that non-Hispanic Black women undergo more preterm births relative to other ethnicities, which increases the rate of infant mortality. 
           To show that demographical factors are the primary driver of infant mortality, values were adjusted to compare the variation in birth outcomes between non-Hispanic Black women born in the USA and those from other regions (Elo et al., 2014). The results showed that non-Hispanic Black women from the Sub-Sahara Africa region had lower rates of preterm births and infant mortality compared to those from the USA (Elo et al., 2014). This research shows that there are significant health factors involved that create health disparities for non-Hispanic American Blacks, leading to high rates of infant mortality. 
           According to Powers et al. (2006), significant evidence points to social determinants of health being the primary driver of high infant mortality rates among non-Hispanic Blacks. Powers et al. (2006) state that non-Hispanic Black women experience higher rates of neonatal mortality due to their socio-environmental disadvantages. Similarly, Thoma et al. (2019) posit that most of the health disparities that lead to preterm births among non-Hispanic Blacks are due to sociodemographic factors. Thus, the public health system within the United States has categorically failed to address the healthcare disparities faced by non-Hispanic Black women that lead to the high rate of infant mortality.
SocioHistory of Infant Mortality
           As Elo et al. (2014) found that Sub-Saharan born African women experienced fewer infant mortality rates than non-Hispanic Blacks, the main determination from this research is the ‘healthy immigrant effect’. Wingate et al. (2017) also concur with the healthy migrant effect, where women of African ethnicity show better health outcomes in terms of maternal and infant mortality than non-Hispanic American Black women. Wingate et al. (2009) state that mobile mothers tend to experience positive birth outcomes compared to inactive ones. This research posits that women that are more active lead healthy lifestyles compared to those that are confined to one space. However, Thoma et al. (2019) and Powers et al. (2006) are more convinced that social determinants are the most important factor leading to this health disparity. 
According to Novoa and Taylor (2018), racism and discriminatory acts against non-Hispanic Black women contributes to the high rate of infant mortality. One of the main reasons attributed to pregnancy complications among non-Hispanic Black women is the growing stress and mental debilitation associated with health discrimination in the United States (Novoa & Taylor, 2018). Moreover, social determinants of health, such as low socioeconomic status and poverty, lead to a high risk of infant mortality. Novoa and Taylor (2018) state that the hig...
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