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Health Disparities Interview Assignment

Essay Instructions:

Hello, thank you in advance for writing the paper. Below are the instructions, it calls for interviewing a staff or administrative member to determine how the agency is currently addressing health disparities and what major challenges they encounter in eliminating health disparities. No need to actually call someone to interview due to the paper urgency but if you can "make up" the interview and use an agency in Colorado to write it up please. Please feel free to reach out to me for any questions. Thank you. Below are the instructions.....

Part I: Identify a community-based organization, foundation, government agency, or health care facility that is attempting to address health disparities and arrange an interview of a staff or administrative member to determine how that agency is currently addressing health disparities and what major challenges they encounter in eliminating health disparities.

•Using concepts of health disparities you have learned throughout the semester, come up with at least 10 interview questions. Be aware that your interviewee may not be familiar with the jargon used in class so you may have to explain the concept you are asking about.

•The interview should be no longer than 1 hour (to be respectful of their time) and be ready and willing to send your questions in advance of the interview to the person you plan to interview.

•Basic information to be gathered (in addition to the 10 questions) should include:

◦Their name and title for the organization (you may use a pseudonym and general level of organization title instead of real name and title, if the interviewee wishes)

◦Their organization mission (who they serve and the organization’s goal)

TIP & Extra credit: If you have time at the end of the interview, you may want to ask about their educational background and how they came to do the work they do (for your own career development and as extra credit on your write up, 1-3 points).

Part II: Write a minimum 750-word summary, analysis, and reaction to the interview you conducted. The idea behind this learning opportunity is to compare and apply what you have learned throughout the semester to a real world situation.

•Your synthesis should include how your interviewee’s responses apply to course concepts you asked about

•Include the agency name (or generic type if the interviewee wishes to remain anonymous)

•Include organization's mission

•Include interviewee name or pseudonym & title of person you interviewed or general level of responsibility

•Include your 10 health disparities concepts questions, as an appendix

Note: I do not need a transcript of the interview. DO NOT simply list your questions and a synopsis of responses for your write up. Your write up should indicate some synthesis and thought regarding the interview as a whole, in response to addressing health disparities.

Collaboration option guidelines:

•You may work with other classmates to develop your 10 questions

•Interviews may be conducted as a group (you may partner with other students in class to complete the interview) but your summary, analysis, and reaction write up should be your own independent work

•If you know that you will be going to the same organization and interviewing the same person as another student in class, the interview should be conducted as a group to be respectful of the organizational staff member’s time

•Take turns asking interview questions--make it a learning experience for everyone in your group

For everyone:

•If you are cold calling--ask to speak with the director or manager and then explain the assignment and purpose. Ask, who would be the appropriate person to contact for an interview?

•Be punctual for your interview appointment

•Conduct the interview with professionalism but you may be conversational

•Stay neutral, don’t be judgmental or argumentative (even if you don’t agree with what they say), listen and learn

•Thank them for their time

•A potential list of interview sites and potential contacts is available from me upon request and after demonstrated evidence that you have tried to locate appropriate organizations on your own.

•Book your interview soon to give you time to complete the interview and write up your paper

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Health Disparity
Your name
Subject and Section
December 10, 2018
It is apparent that the demand for high-quality geriatric care has increased in the past few decades. In order to meet these needs, hundreds of nursing homes have appeared in the United States, catering to different segments of the population while promoting different kinds of services. In Colorado alone, there are about 229 nursing homes scattered throughout the state, which is more than enough to cover for the aging population (USNews.com, 2018). In line with this, the author of this article has chosen to study BrightStar Care, which is a nursing home based in Colorado Springs. In order to do this, an interview about issues on health disparity with a nurse manager of the healthcare facility (Ms. Debby) was conducted. In the succeeding sections of this article, a synthesis of the interview conducted would be provided as well as an analysis of how healthcare providers react to issues of healthcare disparity in the region.
BrightStar Care
Being a geriatric care facility, BrightStar Care prides itself with its primary focus given towards high-quality care towards its patients. As of today, the nursing manager states that the facility has about 200 staffs working all day and night, in order to make sure that each patient’s condition can be monitored. It mainly believes that caring is more than a job, but a way of life. The RNs, CNAs, and Caregivers, among others, have been trained to provide well-tailored care based on what the patient needs. In line with this, most of the staff are trained from the onset that providing care for elderly patients require more than looking at their health, but more especially their well-being. They think that the patients’ dignity is of utmost importance, not because it is stated in their mission, but also because it is essential for any human. The facility also prides itself with the dedication of their staff to ensure that the patients are taken care of, which is exhibited through regular acts of companionship. All of these achievements, a method of care, and organizational culture is the reason why the facility has just recently won the Gold Seal of Approval from the Joint Commission, which shows that their services are on par of those big hospitals around the country.
Health Disparity Issues
Despite its award-winning care, Ms. Debby said that the facility still faces many problems from its ...
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