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3 pages/≈825 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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How Nutrients Affect Disease Prevention and Management

Essay Instructions:

1)Using terms and concepts that you have learned in this course, examine 10 aspects of your own diet, and explain any changes you may or may not make. For full credit, support each of your 10 choices with facts from the readings. (For example, currently, I rarely eat any nuts. So, I will start eating one ounce of nuts a day because it will improve my cholesterol level, which will reduce my risk for heart disease. Note: you may not use this example.) [30 points]

2)Explain how nutrients affect disease prevention and management. Make your answer specific with examples. Link the nutrient or nutrients you discuss to a condition. (For example, vitamin C deficiency is linked to scurvy. Note: you may not use this example). For full credit, you must provide at least three examples of how nutrient levels can be related to disease prevention and management. [20 points]

3)discussing food insecurity in the United States. What are the primary causes of such insecurity and what groups of people are at particular risk? (200words)

(Doesnt have to be essay format, just label answer 1,2,3) thank you

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Question one
I will need to change my diet and take more food that has nutrients. These nutrients include carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, water, vitamins, and minerals I will avoid non-nutrients which are often harmful including cholesterol, dyes, and preservative. For instance, excess cholesterol can increase the risk of vascular clogging.
I would need to take a different variety of vegetables and fruits that provides vitamins. Deficiencies of specific vitamins such as niacin can lead to a disease called pellagra characterized by dementia, dermatitis, diarrhea, and death. Equally, deficiencies in vitamins such as vitamin C, vitamin A, and vitamin D can lead to scurvy, night blindness, and rickets, respectively. Many fruits, cereals fortified with vitamin A and vegetables are primary sources of vitamin A (Zimmerman, 2012). Thus. I would eat more of this to get sufficient vitamin A to avoid night blindness. Furthermore, Vitamin A helps to enable epithelial tissue bone cell formation. Taking fruits such as strawberries and oranges would help me get vitamin C, thereby preventing scurvy. Vitamin C also aids in the formation of collagen, an important protein in many body tissues
I would need to take adequate water. Water is critical in transporting essential nutrients to all body parts, transports waste products for disposal, and aids with body temperature maintenance. Taking sufficient water would help me get adequate hydration and optimal body functioning. Not drinking a recommended amount of water increase the risk of kidney stones and, in women, urinary tract infections, lower physical and mental performance, impair salivary gland functioning, and lead to dehydration. Thus, water is of paramount nutritional value.
In achieving healthy dietary practices, I need to practice effective calorie control by ensuring that the amount of energy I from the nutrients consumed equals the amount of energy I expend during the day’s activities and in the body's physiological process. Proper balancing of calorie needs will ensure no energy overload that can lead to increased lip storage build-ups, hyperlipidemia, metabolic disease, and diabetes. Physical exercise can increase energy spent, hence limiting excess stored calories.
I would take food that has more fiber to avoid health complications such as constipation.
I need to adopt diet that has lesser carbohydrates, avoid refined sugars and sugary drinks. This measure would help me reduce sugar overload in the blood that often is translated to fats, which may intricately interact with insulin and it...
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