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1 pages/≈275 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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The Patient was Once a Smoker

Essay Instructions:

This week you met your new patient: Mr. Jasper Beardley is an 85-year-old gentleman living in a long-term care (LTC) facility in London, Ontario. He has a wife and a son; who visit often and are very involved with his care. His wife is his substitute decision maker for personal care and finances. Mr. and Mrs. Beardley have been married for 55 years.

Mr. Beardley grew up in the Toronto area. He served in World War II for approximately 6 years. His family reports that he was a very active man, who always needed to keep busy and was an avid swimmer since 1948. He swam up until 2007. His wife also reports that Mr. Beardley is an ex-smoker who quit approximately 50 years ago, after a light smoking history.

You are the Primary Nurse of Mr Beardley and see the need to call an urgent IPT care conference related to his care.

Summarize your thoughts and post your answers to the following questions in this week’s discussion board. 

1. What are Mr Beardley’s new problems on return to the LTC unit?

2. Who do you think would be key members of Mr. Beardley’s care team?

3. Why are these members important in Mr. Beardley’s care?

4. Describe common causes of conflict that may occur when team members first come together to work on a patient care goal.


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Case Scenario 9
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Case Scenario 9
Mr. Beardley has several problems that require over-watch in the LTC facility; for example, he has comorbidity, which is associated with age and long-term illness. Notably, he has been active for more than 50 years, and the body is reacting due to inactivity. Comorbidity is associated with substance abuse, and the patient was once a smoker; hence it is a problem that can spark new ailments. Additionally, the patient is in his old age, meaning there is urgency in ensuring Beardley health is monitored closely. Family is the closest component that every patient would require. In this case, Mrs. Beardley is the most critical person in Beardley's life since they have been together for more ...
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