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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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EBP in the Workplace & Group Communication. Health, Medicine, Nursing.

Essay Instructions:

Module 7: Discussion: EBP in the Workplace & Group Communication

Guiding resources:

Module 7: Readings (All of them.)

Module 7: CAIPER eLearning Module: What is Interprofessional Education? (self-paced 20-30 min)

Module 7: Summarizing Research Results

Core Competencies for Interprofessional Collaborative Practice: 2016 Update or the Massachusetts Nurse of the Future Nursing Core Competencies: Registered Nurse (Found under Links & Tools on Modules page. See Readings on Group Communication Competencies, Subcompetencies, and Skills.)

ASU Library Link: https://lib(dot)asu(dot)edu/

Assignment Objectives:

Discuss one way that administrators can develop a culture of best practice in their healthcare organization that would support your own evidence-based practice.

Discuss the importance of your chosen nursing intervention or practice.

Assess what, specifically, sparked your interest in this nursing intervention or practice.

Discuss whether the article that you found supported the current nursing intervention, practice, or suggested change in the nursing intervention or practice.

Summarize the findings of the article.

Discuss how your peer’s chosen nursing intervention or practice relates to improved patient safety OR improved patient outcomes.

Identify a group communication strategy that you wish to develop.

Discuss how the group communication competency would support group work in the future.

Demonstrate respectful posts.

Read the assignment in its entirety prior to initiating the activity.


Students will discuss how to create a culture of best practice in a healthcare organization and identify a clinical intervention that they would like to implement. Students, then, will summarize an article that addresses the health outcomes of the intervention that they are considering.

Additionally, students will identify a group communication competency that they wish to develop and discuss how this competency would support future group work.

Assignment Directions

Step 1 - Read

Read/review all readings for the module.

Step 2 - Search a Topic of Interest

Using the ASU library, find at least one (1) scholarly study (research articles, systematic reviews, Cochrane articles, EBP projects) that explores a nursing intervention or practice that you may be interested in exploring throughout the program. (Do not look at non-Nursing interventions or practices that cannot be carried out independently by nursing.) Please look for a source that is from a scholarly journal and published within the last 5 years.

NOTE: General topical articles, interviews, discussions, case studies, literature reviews, dissertations, and theses are not acceptable. A systematic review is acceptable and is different from a review of literature. A systematic review will explain the systematic method for choosing the articles to review. Do not choose an article that discussed several research studies, unless it says systematic review or meta-analysis in the title of the article.

Choosing a research article can be hard. To identify a research article, be sure that the abstract discusses these sections:


Intervention(s) evaluated


Remember that for this assignment, you will take the first step in your journey towards a capstone project. This process begins with the identification of an area of interest and searching the literature. The clinical nursing intervention that you decide to choose could serve two purposes for you:

Help you complete this assignment, and

May provide the beginning foundation for your capstone project in the last course in this program.

However, you do not need to commit to a clinical nursing topic that you will use for the remainder of your program; this assignment is designed to help you learn the beginning of the EBP process only.

Step 3 - Initial Post

Provide a substantive response to each of the following prompts to demonstrate deep understanding of the topic:

First paragraph

Of the organizational best practices mentioned by Fineout-Overholt and Melnyk (2005) or Miller et al. (2010), discuss one way that administrators can develop a culture of best practice in their healthcare organization that would support your own evidence-based practice.

Cite and reference one of these articles. Author, X. X., & Author, X. X. (year). Main title: Subtitle. Journal, vol(issue), xx‒xx or Article x. https://doi(dot)org/10.xxxxxxx

Second paragraph

Discuss the importance of the nursing intervention or practice that you chose for your library search.

Assess what, specifically, sparked your interest in this nursing intervention or practice.

Third paragraph

Attempt to cite and reference scholarly article (research articles, systematic reviews, meta-analyses, Cochrane reviews, EBP projects). Do not use general topical articles, interviews, discussions, case studies, literature reviews, dissertations, and theses.

Post URL for article in the first sentence. (Preferably, use the URL from the publisher and not the URL from the search engine. The search engine URL may have EBSCO or ASU inserted in the URL.)

Discuss whether the article that you found supported your current practice or suggested a change to your current practice. (Consider your practice as a nursing student or registered nurse.)

Summarized the findings for the article. Described participants, intervention(s) evaluated, and findings on one intervention that could be implemented in your current practice.

Cite and reference the chosen article.

The chosen article must be less than 5 years old (evaluated by year).

Please, I sent the Professor's instructions if you need any help, let me know, and feels free to use your own sources also the internet. I am expecting a well written professional nursing essay, thanks.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

EBP in the Workplace and Group Communication
 EBP in the Workplace and Group Communication
Whenever consumers are registered into the healthcare system, they expect to receive quality services. In order to build a culture of best practice, it is important to cultivate a constant process of improvement. The focus of administrators is to create an environment where care is based on the best available research. EBP occurs within an environment where care is prioritized and collaboration happening in the decision-making process. Therefore, collaboration is an important aspect of enhancing best practices.
Cheng, L., Feng, S., & Hu, Y. (2017). Evidence-based nursing implementation in Mainland China: A scoping review. Nursing Outlook, 65(1), 27-35.Collaboration allows nursing practitioners to work alongside team members to ensure that the proposed care is the best and patients attain the best possib...
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