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Body Building Today

Essay Instructions:

Week 9 Assignment Case Study

The information covered in this week's lecture and reading assignments will help you with the following assignment. Your answers should be concise, complete, and typed in a Microsoft Word document. When you are finished, upload the Word document to be graded using the dropbox below.

This week's case study:

Case Study: You are working with an amateur bodybuilder who is 12 months out from a bodybuilding competition. Design a year-long periodized training program for the athlete with the objective of optimizing the client's physique at the time of the competition. The training program should include the following:

A list of assessments to be performed at the onset of the training program

A warm up and cool down for each training day

A detailed year-long periodized training program including specific exercises, sets, repetitions, suggested rest times, etc. The program should include a Foundational Training phase, a Hypertrophy phase, and a Cutting phase. Use charts to illustrate the training program.

An explanation as to why you made your recommendations for each phase of training.

Nutrition and supplement recommendations to support the bodybuilder during each phase of training.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Body Building
Institution/ Affiliation
Today, bodybuilding has become prevalent among men and women than in the past decades. Although bodybuilding is primarily associated with competition, other people engage in these exercises to keep their body, muscle, joints, and bones healthy and flexible (Hsieh et al., 2020). Also, weight training and aerobic exercise help boost mind and mental wellbeing by reducing stress, anxiety, and depression. By developing a positive self-image, an individual can also improve his or her self-esteem and self-confidence.
Bodybuilding is a beautiful sport but also very complex. The process of sculpting and building muscles requires passionate focus and commitment. In contrast, many people view bodybuilders as people who engage in a lot of heavy lifting but instead involves a combination of cardiovascular training, diet uptake, core work, and weight training to be most effective and participate in the competition (Hsieh et al., 2020). For professional bodybuilders, cardiovascular training helps to trim excess fats, as they stimulate metabolism even when the bodybuilder is not working out. These training exercises help burn more calories, improve body composition, create a lean, hard, and chisel physique (Hsieh et al., 2020). This research aims to create a training program for an amateur, professional builder that will help build a physique, reduce fats, maintain muscle mass, and ultimately gain an edge over other bodybuilders.
This program will involve the foundational training phase, hypertrophy, and cutting phase. The activities will include a cardiovascular training program, exercise training, diet intake, and core work. The program will start with a self-assessment of the amateur, professional builder. Usually, when engaging in the sport of bodybuilding, it is vital and indispensable to understand the definitive areas of bodybuilding and physique. This is the first step after deciding and pledging into the realm of bodybuilding competition.
Bodybuilder physique promotes a chisel looks like body, healthy muscle tone, and unique but not excessive body conditioning. Every individual possesses different shapes and physiques. To determine the most effective training program, an analysis of the amateur body composition will be conducted to determine the body fat percentage (Makiel et al., 2020). The rationale for this initiative is because height, body shape, bone density vary from one person to another.
Since professional bodybuilders compete at an average body fat percentage of between 3-5%, it is crucial to determine the fat composition to build a plan that helps achieve this value (Hsieh et al., 2020). Deciding how much of the body composition is lean muscle mass and body fat helps evaluate the level of muscular development; an analysis of the shoulders, traps, triceps, lats, biceps, abs, hamstrings, calves, and quads is necessary. For example, suppose the bodybuilder has too much body fat. In such a case, it will be crucial to engage in activities that will help reduce body fat to gain muscularity, symmetry, and muscular size.
Full Body Exercises
Full-body exercises will include walking, squats, deadlifts, push-ups, pull-ups, bench press, lunges, abdominal crunches, bent-over row, to mention Russian twists, treadmill jogging, and running, to name a few. Squats are crucial for bodybuilders and improve significant muscle in the body, particularly the core and large lower body muscles (Makiel et al., 2020). Squats are a better workout for burning body fat. While the front squats improve the quadriceps, back squats work the hamstring and gluteal.
Deadlifts are another essential exercise for bodybuilders. The workout improves the back and entire core, firming up the shoulders girdle, hips, legs, gluteus, quadriceps, lower back, abdominals, and erector spinae. On the other hand, a bench press will be used to improve the pectorals and, to some extent, deltoids and triceps.
Push-ups work on upper body strength, pectoral muscles, shoulders, and triceps. They also strengthen the lower back and the core by engaging the abdominal muscles. On the other hand, pull-ups play a vital role in the development of the back, particularly the latissimus dorsi – which hits every part of the back. Besides, dips will be used to hit the triceps. Amateurs can start by doing dips with their hands on the bench and the feet on the floor.
Moreover, lunges will be used to improve muscle mass and strengthen body tone, particularly the butt, legs, and core. Like sit-ups, abdominal crunches helps in maintaining the core, back muscles, oblique, and creation of six-packs abs. Although treadmill workouts are rarely used, they help build endurance, increase fitness, and burn belly fat. On the other hand, reverse bent over row exercise hits on the upper ...
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