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Grief in Nursing Profession

Essay Instructions:

Rubric Criteria for concept analysis paper:

1. Identification of concept and the background of the concept. Discuss the meaning of the concept as used in 1 theory. Include an overview of the paper and the purpose of the paper.

2. Relevant Research:

Incorporate relevant research that has been conducted on the selected concept. There should be 3 peer-reviewed articles summarized in detail in this section in this section (Each summary must be a paragraph of about 1/2 page).

3. Significance of Concept to Nursing:

Discuss significance of the concept identified in # 1 to nursing. Include significance to your practice area.

4. Definitions:

Provide definitions for concept (minimum of 2 definitions) & other related terms (minimum of 2). This should include nursing/medical sources (i.e. peer reviewed journals) as well as definitions from a dictionary. Need to describe and expand upon the antecedents and consequences (No lists or bullet points).

5. Development of Case:

Develop a Model case. Include an explanation of what the model case means and how the example fits the case.

6. Tentative criteria:

Discuss (no list or bullet points) and explain the criteria developed for concept. Include attributes and an operational definition. State clearly the operational definition.

7. Summary and Conclusion: Summary of analysis. Must include the purpose and an overview of the elements of the paper in the conclusion.

9. Organization, clarity, logic, grammar, spelling, & APA format (7th Ed) (Minimum of 3-4 journal references).



Concept Analysis Paper

Identification of the Concept:

The introductory paragraph of each paper should contain background information on the topic, summarize the elements of the paper, and end with a purpose sentence. You could include the definition of a concept in the introduction.

Discuss the meaning of the concept as used in one theory:

This is included in the identification of the concept. How is this concept used in a theory you found during your research? The concept of environment could use Nightingale’s theory. Compassion, caring, and empathy could use Watson's theory. Pain could use Kolcaba’s theory. Self-care could use Orem's theory. This is only 1-2 sentences and is part of the identification of the concept.

Identification of concept etc should be 1-2 paragraphs at most (5-7 sentences in a paragraph). (Please refer to the sample posted in the announcement on 11/28).

Relevant Research:

This can be any article that is related to the concept. For instance, if you are writing about pain, you could have an article on post-op pain or labor pain. There should be 1-2 good, solid paragraphs of several sentences (at least 5-7 sentences) that summarize each article with citations. Use the article title as your level 2 heading in this section (delete article #1). Be sure to cite within the paragraph

Significance of Concept to Nursing:

What was your personal interest in this concept? What is the significance to nursing? What is the significance to your practice area? (1 solid paragraph of 5-7 sentences, 2 paragraphs at most).

Definitions, Related Terms, Antecedents, and Consequences:

You should have a minimum of two definitions of the concept. You should also include one definition each of two related terms. If you use Merriam-Webster, there is a date (2023). You have to scroll to the bottom of the webpage. If caring was your concept, then compassion and/or empathy might be related terms. Please put the antecedents and consequences in this section under the heading provided. You need to expand upon the antecedents and consequences, don’t just list them. This section should be 4-6 paragraphs in total.

Development of Case:

You need to develop an example for a Model case. Define what a model case is and please include how your example meets the criteria for that case. The article on the concept analysis of resilience has good examples of a model case.


On examining the research on the concept, take notes on the characteristics/themes that appear repeatedly. These characteristics become the criteria or defining attributes of the concept and help develop the operational definition. You must explain/expand upon the attributes/criteria, not just list them.This section should be 1-2 paragraphs-no lists.

Operational Definition:

Based on the attributes and criteria, you should be able to develop your operational definition (which can include a subjective and objective component). Be sure to clearly indicate what the operational definition is (1 paragraph-minimum of 4 sentences).


After completing all elements of the assignment, the paper ends with a summary paragraph. This should include a summary of all the elements of the paper. At least 1 solid paragraph of 6-7 sentences. No more than 2 paragraphs

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Concept Analysis

Student Name

Theoretical Foundations of Nursing



Identification of Concept

Grief, a common concept in human’s lives, serves as the focal point of this concept analysis paper. Grief extends beyond an emotional response to loss. It involves a complex connection between psychological, emotional, and cultural dimensions that individuals navigate when confronted with significant life changes (Lichtenthal et al., 2019). In the world of nursing, understanding grief is important, as it acts as a basis for the delivery of compassionate and patient-centered care. Recognizing that grief is a universal experience, albeit one deeply influenced by individual, cultural, and contextual factors, prompts an exploration to unveil its diverse aspects. Grief reflects the human capacity to struggle with the emotional aftermath of loss, acknowledging that this experience is both universal and profoundly personal (Lichtenthal et al., 2019). To focus on the depths of this concept, the analysis will draw upon Elisabeth Kübler-Ross's seminal theory on the five stages of grief. Kübler-Ross's work provides a framework to understand how individuals traverse denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance in response to impending death or significant loss. By grounding the analysis on this theoretical foundation, it is possible to unravel the various aspects of of grief, illuminating its diverse manifestations and shedding light on the underlying processes that shape an individual's journey through sorrow.

This paper endeavors to comprehensively analyze the concept of grief, employing a multi-dimensional approach that involves theoretical perspectives, empirical research, and practical implications in nursing. The exploration begins with an in-depth identification of the concept, establishing a foundation that acknowledges the complex nature of grief and its significance in healthcare settings. Drawing from Kübler-Ross's theory, the analysis will unravel the theoretical aspects of grief, providing a lens through which to understand its various manifestations. Additionally, the paper will synthesize relevant research findings, offering an understanding of how grief manifests across different contexts and populations. These research insights will not only deepen people’s comprehension of grief but also contribute to the broader dialogue on effective nursing interventions and support mechanisms for those experiencing loss. Furthermore, this analysis will explain the significance of grief in the nursing profession, emphasizing its role in shaping empathetic and patient-centered care. The paper will articulate the broader implications of recognizing and addressing grief, not only for the individuals directly affected but also for healthcare professionals seeking to enhance their capacity to provide tailored care.

Relevant ResearchTitle 1: Nurses’ Grief in Caring for Patients with Advanced Cancer: A Literature Review.

Betriana and Kongsuwan's literature review focuses on the experiences of nurses when caring for patients with advanced cancer, shedding light on the often-overlooked aspect of healthcare providers' grief. The study explores the emotional toll on nurses, highlighting the challenges they face while providing care to patients at the end of life. Findings reveal that nurses encounter profound emotional distress, including sadness, frustration, and a sense of powerlessness (Betriana & Kongsuwan, 2019). The research shows the need for a supportive environment that acknowledges and addresses nurses' grief, emphasizing the importance of institutional interventions to enhance coping mechanisms and emotional resilience among healthcare professionals. By synthesizing existing literature, this study contributes valuable insights into the emotional landscape of nurses caring for patients with advanced cancer, emphasizing the importance of support for healthcare providers in navigating the complexities of end-of-life care and grief (Betriana & Kongsuwan, 2019). As healthcare systems continue to evolve, understanding and addressing the emotional needs of nurses is essential for fostering a resilient and empathetic healthcare workforce.

Top of Form

TTitle 2: Grief Experiences of Nurses after the Death of an Adult Patient in an Acute Hospital Setting: An Integrative Review of Literature.

Meller et al.'s integrative review focuses on the complex grief experiences of nurses following 

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