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2 pages/≈550 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Grief: define and describe the physical symptoms. Health, Medicine.

Essay Instructions:

Discuss the following:

-Grief: define and describe the physical symptoms, psychological and social responses and its spiritual aspects.

-Summarize the types of grief.

-Although death is a universal human experience, please specify culture-specific considerations that exist regarding attitudes toward the loss of a loved one, including age (child or older adult) and cause of death.

Essay should be formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources not older than five years.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Student's Name
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Date of Submission Grief
Grief is a response to losing someone through death or something, especially when you had a deep affection for the person or something. It is the emotional response to the loss and can sometimes be confused with bereavement, which refers to the state of loss. Common grief is connected to a loved one's death, but people can grieve different losses, such as unemployment and termination of an intimate relationship (Walter & McCoyd, 2015). The essay will define grief through death by describing the physical symptoms, psychological and social responses, and spiritual aspects.
Several types of grief exist, including anticipatory grief, normal grief, delayed grief, complicated grief, and secondary-level grief. Anticipatory grief happens when a loved one is diagnosed with a chronic condition, and their health deteriorates. This way, family and friends know that the person has a short time to live. Normal grief refers to a person's ability to get over the emotional moment because of a loss. Delayed grief happens when reaction and emotional moments are postponed due to another significant life event ("Types of grief and loss | Elizz," n.d.).
The physical symptoms of grief include sadness and depression. When a person dies, we often have memories of them continuously flushing through our minds (Walter & McCoyd, 2015). It makes us sad when we know we will never meet that person again. Similarly, people become depressed because of the gap death of a person leaves behind. Some of the people we grieve are education financers or parents, and their losses go beyond normal sadness into depression. Additionally, people experience extreme fatigue, nausea, food aversions, headaches, and a person losing interest in doing anything.
Grief affects people psychologically and may take a long time to heal. Research shows that women often suffer prolonged psychologic disorders due to grief compared to men. It means that me...
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