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How To Grade Is Within The Instructor Center

Essay Instructions:

nstructors, training on how to grade is within the Instructor Center.

Assignment 1: The Primary Care Clinic

Due Week 3 and worth 130 points

You are the manager of a new primary care clinic located about twenty five (25) miles outside of a small city (population of 50,000). With five (5) family physicians, two (2) nurse practitioners, two (2) physicians’ assistants (PAs), and twenty (20) clinical support staff consisting of RNs, LPNs, and CMAs, the clinic provides primary care services to a diverse community of people living and working outside the city limits. Originally a rural area, the community has been growing and now includes promising opportunities in employment, education, and comfortable living spaces for young families. However, there are still many residents who struggle to make ends meet with older farms that have belonged to families for generations.

The central city includes two (2) large acute care facilities, and one (1) tertiary care facility that is known for its excellent pulmonary care. Both acute care hospitals provide the usual services such as labor and delivery, outpatient surgery, chronic diseases care, etc. and have fully equipped ancillary departments, such as lab and radiology. Up until this point, the residents have used the facilities’ emergency departments for routine illnesses and conditions when their private physicians were not readily available.

Write a five to seven (5-7) page paper in which you:

Analyze some of the key social, political, and economic factors that have led to the proliferation of urgent care facilities and primary care practices over the last 20-30 years.

Create a comprehensive mission statement for the clinic, and discuss how it will facilitate the provision of quality services.

Analyze and discuss one (1) or more directions the clinic might take to grow its business. Determine what factors you would consider when deciding what services to provide in-house and which ones to affiliate with other institutions.

Decide how you will determine if the clinic is meeting its goals. Identify three (3) performance measurements you could use to evaluate the success of the clinic’s services. Begin by naming a goal, and then identify a quantifiable measurement you could use for each to determine if you are coming close or falling short of the goal.

Determine how you would then address whatever opportunities for improvement seem to exist and what processes you would put in place.

Use at least three (3) quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources.

Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements:

This course requires use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The format is different than other Strayer University courses. Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details.

Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.

Include a source list. Citations and sources must follow SWS format. The source list is not included in the required page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

Analyze the critical management issues, purpose, functions, and performance measures of different departments within healthcare organizations.

Examine the political, economic, and social forces that have influenced the organizational foundations of the United States healthcare system.

Explain how public policy has shaped the development of the U.S. healthcare system.

Use technology and information resources to research issues in health services organization management.

Write clearly and concisely about health services organization management using proper writing mechanics.

View the grading rubric for this assignment.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Primary Care
Student Name
Institutional Affiliation
Primary Care
Both urgent care services and primary care practices have transformed in the last three decades. The change has allowed more individuals to access healthcare services more conveniently. The ABC Healthcare Clinic is new primary care located in a small city and expected to serve a poor population. As new primary care, the clinic needs to offer high-quality services to the community at the lowest costs possible. This essay will indicate some of the measures that the clinic needs to put in place so that it can serve the community members more effectively.
Factors that have led to the proliferation of urgent care
America has experienced a boom in the less costly urgent care centers opening all over the country. Several factors have contributed to this phenomenon. Firstly, urgent care enables physicians to balance work and life. Although the urgent cares open for longer hours compared to the other practices, the clients do not expect to see a specific provider when they seek care at the care clinics. Hence, when physicians are off, they can go and spend time with their families without worrying that they are should attend to specific clients. Secondly, clients seeking medical care do not want to spend much time waiting. The urgent care clinics operate for longer hours and allow walk-in appointments (Japsen, 2013). The clinics fulfill that need in a manner that the traditional physician’s offices cannot accomplish.
Thirdly, the urgent care clinics combine the elements of retail like being located on the ground floor where clients can access conveniently and the ability to offer same-day appointments online. As a result of the customer first approach and the use of technology, the urgent care clinics have attracted more clients fueling their growth in the country. Lastly, the clinics provide high-quality medical care services at affordable services (Japsen, 2013). Consumers want to get high-quality services at affordable prices, which attract clients who cannot afford healthcare services from traditional physicians.
The mission statement for the clinic
At ABC Healthcare Clinic, we recognize that every individual is valuable. The fact that each person deserves high-quality care guides our commitment to the provision of excellent services and strong leadership. We exemplify this by:
1 Offering care which caters the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of each client as well as their families.
2 Showing our commitment to the less fortunate in society by offering them high-quality medical care services at affordable costs.
3 Creating an environment which values each and provides opportunities for both personal and professional growth.
4 Building a setting which recognizes the need for professional collaboration to meet the diverse needs of our patients.
5 Demonstrating social responsibility through efficient utilization of resources for the benefit of all the stakeholders.
The mission statement recognizes the value of the patients in the clinic. It allows the healthcare professionals in the clinic to treat the clients as such. Further, the statement recognizes that the care should cater to the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of the patients which is essential in providing comprehensive care. The commitment to excellent and good leadership ensures that the clinic staff strives towards fulfilling their mandate.
How to grow the business
The healthcare space is competitive which indicates the need for a healthcare facility to find ways of growing to meet the demands of the market. One way of growing the clinic is building an online presence. Having a website or any other kind of online presence like social media handles will enable clients to locate the facility (Miller and Tucker, 2013). In addition to having a practice website, it is essential for the clinic to submit the practice to the online directories and have a profile on the major review sites. Since more patients are consulting the Internet to determine the most appropriate healthcare facility, being online will bring in more clients. The second method of growing the business is establishing a better appointment schedule. It is necessary to ensure the flow of patients without having bottleneck...
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