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Treating Obesity in Children with Metabolic Syndrome

Essay Instructions:

Using your CSP as a starting point, please describe how you will apply Essential I-IV in your project activities and also in your future practice as a DNP-prepared APRN. Use approximately 4-5 paragraphs (1 for each Essential) and approximately 500-600 words total (125-150 words for each Essential). Proper English, grammar, punctuation and APA format is expected.

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Treating Obesity in Children with Metabolic Syndrome
Student’s Name
Treating Obesity in Children with Metabolic Syndrome
The Essentials of Doctoral Education for Advanced Nursing Practice were published by the ACCN in 2006 to address the complex needs of the healthcare system today (American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 2015). Doctor of nursing practice (DNP) eight essentials is foundation competencies that all DNP graduates should have. There is an increase in the prevalence of metabolic syndrome in children and adolescents and which are linked to increasing trends in obesity rates. This paper outlines how essentials I-IV can be applied by a Clinical Site Practitioner (CSP) in reducing weight among children with metabolic syndrome using diet modification and physical activity.
I. Scientific Underpinnings for Practice
This essential requires that nurses integrate scientific knowledge in their practice. Therefore a good understanding of the link between obesity and metabolic syndrome is required before proceeding on how to reduce weight. Obesity is a primary component of metabolic syndrome which is evident by the strong link between the high rates of obesity and the prevalence of metabolic syndrome. Children are considered as overweight when their BMI is ≥85th percentile and <95th percentile. Also, regardless of the degree of obesity, visceral fat accumulation is strongly linked to child metabolic syndrome (Aydogan, Onder, & Aycan, 2016). Weight reduction is one of the primary methods focused on the treatment of childhood metabolic syndrome through dietary intervention, increased physical activity. Other options include management of different disease-specific components and lifestyle modification.
II. Organizational and Systems Leadership for Quality Improvement
This essential requires the combination of practice and nursing science to improve the quality of care. The continued increase in the rates of obesity in children is alarming. There are guidelines available for use in the primary care setting for the preventing, identifying, assessing and managing obesity and overweight in children. However, there is growing concern that primary care providers are not using or adhering to the set guidelines approved for childhood obesity. Therefore, to ensure quality improvement, it is the responsibility of nurses to ensure that they and other healthcare practitioners to the screening and prevention guidelines for childhood obesity. ...
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