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Sociology Discussions: Gendered Work Place Norms, Adult Working Life

Essay Instructions:

Page 1: 
How have you experienced gendered work place norms?
How will you navigate these gendered norms/try to change them in your adult working life?
Page 2/3: 
According to bell hooks, what does it mean that critical thinking can be transformative?
Give an example of how critical thinking could be transformative.
What is your perspective on the importance of cultural criticism?
Page 3/4:
Briefly describe a specific law or policy that you are familiar with.
Does it follow an ethic of justice or an ethic of care?
How so?
Does the specific law or policy impact men and women differentially?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Sociology Discussions
Sociology Discussion
How have you experienced gendered work place norms?
Gendered work place norms are a common occurrence within the contemporary society. The grounds to present such an argument are in the case that most people would want to create a barrier between men and women in the workplace environment. For instance, there is group of people that believe in the existence of the gender gap. A practical example is the case that an individual is judged based on their gender status rather than their competency or skills presented. Particularly, the case that a given person is judged based on their gender status. More specifically, a woman may miss the employment opportunity in the case that the employer wanted to employ men rather than women. A good point to note, many people would want to have the male dominance as compared to women within the professional environment. Such an argument develops from a professional point of view and firsthand experience. Notably, the first hand experience is the case of working within a professional environment where women are segregated on the basis of gender discrimination.
How will you navigate these gendered norms/try to change them in your adult working life?
Gender norms are complicated societal matter if viewed from another perspective or angle. Given such reasoning, it is important to point out that specific behavior or individual character would challenge such reasoning. For example, one would challenge such a problem by increasing awareness or campaigns against such approaches. Importantly, there is need to increase employment opportunities for the women. More specifically, creating more leadership roles for the women would grant them the opportunity to address controversial topics within the society. As such, there would be a gender balance between men and women.
According to bell hooks, what does it mean that critical thinking can be transformative?
According to bell hooks, critical thinking may prove to be transformative in the case that it ignites changes within a given population. A ground to present such a line of thinking develops from the fact that a rational line of thinking usually counteracts ignorance. Such a statement may be presented elaborately in the case that one believes in the power of autonomous learning. For instance, a person who is exhibits critical thinking usually portrays the features of independency. A good example to elaborate such a point is in the case that a growing adult would be rebellious with their parents. However, the said adult would change their behavior upon the sight or mention of the extent of their parent’s struggles. Notably, there is a possibility that people who possess the critical thinking capability usually connect to the realities of the world. For instance, a child...
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