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Gender Affect the Way Women & Men and How they are Treated?

Essay Instructions:

Please review each powerpoint. Tell what you have learned fro each power point and ask any questions if need too.

¨Throughout this course, we’ll learn to see gender in the world around us
And we will come to recognize gender as a social factor that is  screated and sustained; gender is not just an individual attribute
¨Think about when you walk down a street: Can you identify everyone’s gender?
How do you know their gender?
Has someone’s gender ever been unclear or ambiguous to you? 

Seeing gender involves more than just identifying the gender of those around you

Think back to the people on the street
How does gender affect the way women and men are perceived and how they are treated?
Occupation, income, family responsibilities?
Treatment by persons of the opposite sex?
Treatment by persons of the same sex?
When someone doesn’t conform to gender norms, how are sanctions aimed at “correcting” the behavior often applied?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Sociology and Gender
Sociology and Gender
Gender is more than just identifying what features distinguish male and female. How do these genders affect the way one is treated in their day-to-day lives? There is a set of factors such as occupation and family that determine how one is perceived. Scholarly research has proven diverse aspects of gender that people leave out while thinking about gender and how it affects people. However, such research will propel people’s vision regarding the deeper meaning of gender. One of the principles that have been established to aid in the understanding is defining social situations as real. For example, the continued increase in terrorist activities globally. To understand the social construction currently, two approaches have been identified namely cross-cultural comparison and historical comparison. It is also important to understand the difference between gender and sex.
Sex is understood as the biological differences between people that make them male or female while gender refers to the social meanings attributed to sex differences. Two approaches have been adopted to bring out the relationship between sex and gender namely the biosocial approach and the strong constructivist approach. People make out one’s sex mainly by looking at their bodies and facial characteristics. However, these features are not enough to draw conclusions since some people possess mixed reproductive organs. The essentialist perspective is generated from religious beliefs such as God’s creation while constructionists view the two as social creations that vary according to time and locales. It is, therefore, vital for one to study gender since one can understand the influences that def...
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