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Four Interventions to Prevent Reoccurrence of Violence

Essay Instructions:

PLEASE I NEED ONLY THE ANSWERS TO THE QUESTIONS. E.g. case 1 answer with the reference underneath, case 2 with reference as followed.
APA formatted to faculty's questions, maintaining format with one professional reference. (Note: You must research and provide your own professional reference to be cited within the forum and the forum should be free of typos and grammatical errors.
Case 1. Methods of Controlling Violence Terms
The terms: prevention, perivention, and postvention are often used when discussing methods for controlling workplace violence. What do these terms mean and what is their role in violence in healthcare. Provide a definition of each term and explain their role. Please give specific examples of each term. (This short answer response needs to have a cited reference.)
In any setting it is essential that employees be familiar with measures to defuse and respond to aggression. Discuss at least 4 interventions that should be used to defuse and respond to aggression. How do these interventions help to deescalate the situation.
Case 2
o Please read the article: Nursing Focus Group's Response to the Pattern of Violence and answer the questions. Use your textbook or other appropriate internet resources to help you answer the questions.
1)Briefly summarize what the beliefs of nurses are when speaking about the patterns of violence and give your response. Do you agree or disagree.
2) What was the correlation between patient safety and worker safety?
3) What were some of the reasons the nurses gave for not reporting the episodes of violence? Give your opinion.
4) Identify at least 4 of the most common causes of patterns of violence in healthcare. How can we as healthcare professionals eliminate these factors?
Case 3
o Please read the 2 articles related to the "Violence Prevention in Health Care Facilities Act" and answer the following questions. You may also use appropriate internet resources.
1. Who is Covered?
2. Which Healthcare Facilities are Covered?
3. Who is on this Violence Prevention Committee?
4. Which factors are considered in the Risk Assessment?
5. What is the Violence Prevention Plan?
6. What happens if a violent incident occurs?
7. What is the procedure on reporting violence?
8. Currently are there enforceable federal safety standards or policies in place to protect healthcare workers?
9. What elements of the bill are missing that you would recommend to be added?
Case 4
o Read the assigned materials on workplace violence prevention programs and answer the following questions. You may use appropriate internet resources.
 What are some of the essential elements for a workplace violence prevention program? List and describe these elements.
 What can an employer do to help protect their employees from violence in healthcare?
 What should employers do following an incident of workplace violence?
 What protections does OSHA offer employees that have been victims?
 Describe some of the barriers to implementing a workplace violence program. How can these barriers be decreased?
 Other recommendations that you would want included in a workplace violence program? Why is this recommendation important in the healthcare setting?
What role does organizational culture play in healthcare violence?
What can nurses do to help change the culture of accepting healthcare violence within their organization?
Do you agree or disagree with OSHA's decision?Why or why not?
What message does this send to other healthcare organizations?
How may this decision impact the future of healthcare violence?
If you were the CEO of the hospital what initiatives would you take to decrease the episodes of violence at your hospital?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Course title:
Prevention, Intervention and Postvention
These terms are commonly used in the context of workplace violence management. Prevention are the thoughts that happen before the actual violence happens and if well worked through could help to prevent violence from taking place (Humphreys, 2010). Intervention is dealing with the actual violence when it has already occurred. Postvention involves damage control after violence has occurred. The intention is to prevent reoccurrence of violence. There are various measures that employed to diffuse violence. One way is identifying the cause of violence. There are multiple causes which if addressed can help diffuse violence. Another method is taking patients through counseling. More often, patients who show aggression and violent behavior tend to suffer from underlying aspects such as depression and stress. Counseling will help diffuse stress. The third intervention is having forums where patients get an opportunity to speak on various issues affecting them. The fourth intervention is getting patients to participate in social activities that ensures that their minds are not transfixed to one environment.
Case 2
Nurses believe that there is need for a safe environment in the health sector. According to the nurses, having a conducive environment will ensure that both nurses and patients are well protected (Beck, 2013). When the workers are safe, then patients are also guaranteed of safety and the vice-versa is also true. Some of the reasons given by nurses for not reporting violent incidents is to avoid conflict of interests between patients and the perpetrator. They feel that it is better for the issues to be handled internally as opposed to involving the authorities.
There are multiple causes of violence in healthcare facilities and they vary from hospital to hospital. Mainly from patients who show aggression especially those under the influence of drugs or those in psychiatric wards. Other patients who are prone to violence are those experiencing excruciating pain perhaps due to chronic illnesses. The best way to deal with violence in the healthcare set-up is to educate people?
Case 3
Violence Prevention in Health Care Facilities Act covers the welfare of healthcare workers. The health care facilities that are covered include general hospitals, hospitals offering specialized treatment, nursing homes and any other health facilities licensed to do so. The committee comprises of representatives from the ma...
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