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Health Policy Values: Beliefs and Opinions about Healthcare Policy

Essay Instructions:

(a) Describe your personal values and spiritual beliefs.
(b) Using the elements of cost, quality, and social issues to frame your description, differentiate your beliefs and opinions about health care policy. Give examples of relevant ethical principles, supported by your values.
(c) Analyze how factors such as your upbringing, spiritual or religious beliefs/doctrine, personal and professional experiences, and political ideology affect your current perspective on health care policy.
(d) Examine any inconsistencies you discovered relative to the alignment of your personal values and beliefs with those concerning health policy. Discuss what insights this has given you.
Please write using APA Style format with at least 4 or more paragraphs under the following heading:
(1) Personal values and beliefs.
(2) Beliefs and opinions about health care policy
(3) Factors affecting current perspective on health care policy. 
(4) Inconsistencies and insights concerning health policy

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Health Policy Values
Health Policy Values
Personal Values and Beliefs
Honesty is a personal value I hold that entails having moral attributes such as being truthful, straightforwardness, and generally avoid being a liar. Honesty ensures that one is trustworthy and sincere in dealing with other people (Peterson & Seligman, 2004). The other personal value is loyalty that entails being faithful to a course or a person or individuals that one is around. This loyalty builds other traits such as trust, consistency, and freeing oneself from betrayal. Finally, the value of kindness is important because it means a person is considerate and generous. Kindness means the ability of helping others who may be in need and not expecting anything in return (Peterson & Seligman, 2004).
One spiritual belief is forgiveness, which means the essence of letting go of all anger and pain towards another person. This means that allowing resentment to leave and replacing it with love. Forgiveness ensures that the body becomes light or free from baggage and replaced with a peace of mind that brings true happiness (Freke, 2001, p. 256). The other spiritual belief is mediation. Mediation is a way of transforming the mind by freeing it from scattered thoughts and other distorted patterns. It is the capability of teaching the mind to become the cure of a person’s sorrows, fears, worries, hatred, and other destructive thoughts. Karma is another spiritual belief that declares that a person is responsible for his/her actions. The good and bad actions that a person does become accumulated of one’s record and finally a person will be rewarded or punished as per these actions (Freke, 2001).
Beliefs and Opinions about Healthcare Policy
In terms of social issues, I believe that the health care policy in the United States cares about the needs of the citizens. The health care system is designed in a way that basic health care need for citizens is taken into consideration (Kirst-Ashman, 2016, p. 392). For instance, the current health care law requires that all citizens and legal residents in the country must at least have basic insurance. The law states, that those who do not take basic health insurance coverage face the phased-in tax penalty (Kirst-Ashman, 2016, p. 392). This move has ensured that many citizens in the country are insured and so health care has improved in protecting the needs of the citizens especially those with low-incomes through programs such as Affordable Care Act (Kirst-Ashman, 2016). The ethical principles that guide these beliefs is those of justice and honesty. Through the ethical principles of justice, the element of fair distribution of benefits is assured and honesty means that people are not deceived out of what they deserve.
In terms of costs, the health care policy has created an expensive health care system (Harrington & Estes, 2008). Today, seeing a doctor and even medication is too expensive while mix-of expensive treatments exist in the health care policy. This has created a situation where many people especially from average to low-income are unable to afford quality care (Harrington & Estes, 2008). The ethical principles of benevolence and kindness guide by belief about the cost of health care. Benevolence means the desire to help those i...
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