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Flu Discussion Essay

Essay Instructions:
I need a paper written on these three discussion. Tell what you like, dislike, what you agree with or disagree. Please keep them separate. Write a paragraph or two for each. Discussion 1: The article discussed Influenza A (H3N2), which is normally found in pigs but when found in humans is referred to as a “variant” virus. Incidences of H3N2v were first detected in the US in 2010, and since then there has been a steady increase in the number of cases reported. The infections are associated with prolonged exposure to pigs at agricultural fairs. It is spread in the same ways that the flu virus is spread between humans – mainly when an infected pig coughs or sneezes and a human inhales the droplets, or touches something that has the virus on it and then touches his/her own mouth or nose. The CDC is concerned about H3N2v because like most flu viruses it has the potential to cause severe disease, it can be spread to humans more easily than other swine flu varieties, it's possible that the virus could change and grow stronger, and studies have concluded that children have little to no immunity to the virus. Early steps have been taken to make a vaccine but there has been no decision to have it mass produced. I thought the article was interesting, given I recently visited a country farm in Long Island for a fall festival, and while petting the cows, sheep, and horses this reminded me that the same viruses that they can get, can be potentially transferred to me. Luckily there was plenty of hand sanitizer located around the festival! Reading about this variant virus also made me think of the threat posed by the avian flu virus a few years back. Avian flu spreads more slowly than swine flu, but the affects can be more deadly. Avian flu is also not usually spread between people. The CDC is closely monitoring H3N2v for the upcoming flu season. Hopefully, as they predict, the virus will be kept under control since there is no plan to mass produce the vaccine, although it is available in places like Indiana which has experienced small outbreaks. http://www(dot)cdc(dot)gov/flu/about/season/flu-season-2013-2014.htm http://www(dot)flu(dot)gov/about_the_flu/h5n1/ http://www(dot)cdc(dot)gov/flu/swineflu/h3n2v-cases.htm http://www(dot)trinidadexpress(dot)com/news/Tobago-on-swine-flu-alert-226691261.html Discussion 2: Every year I get a flu shot. Never really looking into the various strains of the virus or actually how this virus originated. But after reading this article and a few others I was a bit taken back. If influenza viruses which normally circulate in pigs are normal, my thought is. How are these pigs being handled or fed in order for a person to obtain another version of a virus that normally wouldn't be transmitted human to human. There's a trivalent and quadrivalent flu vaccine available. It seems that instead of finding a reason behind the increase of various strains of the virus. It's easier to come out with another vaccination. Of which in my opinion would be right up there with my Lyme's disease thought. Money! The article states it's possible that there will be more outbreaks. I would say that would be definite along with a pentavalent influenza vaccine. I would hope for the best and hopefully not get the worst case scenario. That the vaccines don't work against this new strain and the younger and elderly populations aren't too affected. Each year I take care of many people who get sick and fall victim to the flu. But I will say this. I will continue to get my flu shot, reluctantly, but will do. In the event, I not knowingly pass this terrible little virus on to some innocent victim. http://www(dot)cdc(dot)gov/flu/about/season/flu-season-2013-2014.htm#vaccines-available http://www(dot)cdc(dot)gov/flu/professionals/2012-2013-guidance-geriatricians.htm Discussion 3: he causes of new strains of the flu can be as simple as an agricultural fair, according to this article published by the CDC. Strains of the flu are considered variant if they are created or mutated in an animal, like the pig, and then passed onto humans. New flu strains are developed by humans catching a certain strain, developing antibodies to the strain, and then that flu becomes stronger by becoming resistant to that particular antibody. Our immune systems cannot keep up with the mutation of these strains as they become resistant to our antibodies, and we can become reinfected. Flu season is said to peak in January and February. Getting the flu shot is recommended every year, and a typical shot will protect against just three different strains of the flu. Nothing is more effective as the old standard of sickness prevention, which is washing your hands regularly and often, after all contact with other people or surfaces, high traffic areas, eating, etc. Keeping germs out of contact with our bodies is the first place is the most effective way to keep our immune systems healthy. Getting a flu shot will help back our immune systems up, and sort of prepare them for battle, so to speak. The flu vaccinations are said to reduce the chances of an individual catching a strain of the flu by about 60%, according to the CDC website. Flu vaccines are made wit inactive flu viruses, given by needle, and recommended for children 6 months of age and older. Since the flu is considered a serious upper respiratory infection and can ruin a person's ability to go to work or school, it is a good idea to get the shot every year. Few side effects usually occur, and they are more rare, especially in an otherwise healthy population. References: http://www(dot)cdc(dot)gov/flu/protect/keyfacts.htm http://www(dot)medicinenet(dot)com/flu_vaccination/article.htm http://www(dot)flu(dot)gov/prevention-vaccination/vaccination/
Essay Sample Content Preview:

Discussion 1
According to the writer`s argument, Influenza A (H3N2) is usually found in pigs. However when obtained in humans it`s known as a "variant" virus. H3N2v was detected in America for the first time in 2010 and that it`s spread in the same ways flu virus do spread between humans. If an infected pig sneezes or cough and a person inhales this pig`s droplets besides touching anything with the virus on it and that this person touches her/his own nose or mouth, he/she is likely to get infected with H3N2v. Moreover, since this H3N2v was detected, the number of infected people with the H3N2v has been increasing steadily and that despite children having little or no immunity, and no decision has been in place to have a mass production of its vaccine. The infections are associated with prolonged exposure to pigs at agricultural fair and the virus is more easily spread to people than other swine flu. The writes say that the Center for Disease Control is concerned and has been monitoring H3N2v because it`s capable of severe disease and he was afraid of contacting the virus from petting horse, sheep and cow in a fall festival.
I share the same opinion with the writer that this virus is usually found in pigs and was first found in American, for the first time in 2010. Besides I agree with the argument that it spread between people just as swine flu does spread and that the number of infected persons has been on the rise ever since it was detected. Children do have little to or rather no immunity to this virus and I support the discussion about it. Just as the writer was afraid of getting the virus from petting the horse, sheep and the cow in the fall festival he attended. I would have the same feeling.
Discussion 2
In this discussion, the writer receives flu shot every year since there is a possibility of have more outbreaks in time to come. Moreover, considers the origin of H3N2v plus it`s different strains just after reading the article as well as some few others. The writer insinuate that influenza A(H3N2) is spread between persons because o...
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