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Introduction to Epidemiology: Osteoporosis Prevention Program

Essay Instructions:
Introduction to Epidemiology You have been hired as a health educator to develop an Osteoporosis Prevention program for the County Health Department. Review the modular information on Natural History of Disease. Your tasks: Write a 2-3 page essay in which you: Identify a stage of the natural history of Osteoporosis that you feel is particularly interesting from a standpoint of prevention. Briefly cite relevant statistics or health trends for a specific County, identify the target population for whom your Osteoporosis Prevention program would be directed. Describe one primary, secondary, or tertiary prevention measure that you would include in your Osteoporosis Prevention program. Justify its importance. Assignment Expectations, in order to earn full credit: Please write your paper in your own words. That is the only way I can evaluate your level of understanding. Quotes are rarely needed; if necessary, they should comprise less than 10% of a paper and must be properly cited. Even though the papers must be written in your own words, you are required to cite sources for any statement of fact or idea that is not common knowledge. You must cite the sources within the body of the paper and include a reference list at the end of the paper. Note: Wikipedia is not an acceptable source of information. Use credible, professional, and scholarly sources such as journal articles from ProQuest or EBSCO, and government, university, or nonprofit organizations? Web sites. You must clearly show that you have read the module homepage and the required background materials. You are welcome to do research in addition to — but not instead of — the required readings. Your papers will be evaluated on the following factors: References – citations are used within the body of the paper any time you state a fact or idea that is not common knowledge. A reference list is included at the end of the paper. Precision – you follow all instructions and you answer each part of the assignment. Breadth – you show broad knowledge of the module?s topic. Depth – you go into detail to show more critical thought about the specific tasks or questions in the assignment. Clarity – the extent to which you elaborate and include discussion or examples as asked. Application – the extent to which you apply the information to a real-life situation related to the assignment, if asked. Before you begin, please review this information about When to Cite Sources http://www(dot)princeton(dot)edu/pr/pub/integrity/pages/cite/ Other resources are available at http://owl(dot)english(dot)purdue(dot)edu/owl/resource/560/02/ Case Describe the natural history and identify primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention measures for a disease.
Essay Sample Content Preview:

Introduction to Epidemiology
Osteoporosis Prevention Program
Osteoporosis, a bone disease whose name is derived from Greek words, osteon and porosis meaning bone and hole respectively, is a disease that is responsible for reducing the quality and density of human bones (Harvard Health Publications, 2010). Presence of osteoporosis in the body makes bones to become fragile and hollow resulting to high risks of fracture formation within the bones. The effects of osteoporosis within the bones may not be noticed easily during its early stages as takes place unknowingly and continuously developed within the bones until bone fractures occurs. According to Suman et al, (2013), the development of osteoporosis within the bones is a result of constant changing of the bone tissues during different stages of bones development. Thus, due to loss of the development of new bones to replace the older ones, bones develop brittle, which are easily affected by fractures resulting to osteoporosis.
According to statistics provided by Harvard Health Publications (2010) many people globally face high risk of osteoporosis. For instance, Ringe (2001) found that approximately 1 out of 3 females has high risk to osteoporosis. Additionally, the same statistics indicates that 1out of 5 males are also exposed to the risks of osteoporosis. Consequently, due to the rise in the effects of osteoporosis to victims, there is need for proper prevention measures towards zero eradication to osteoporosis fractures. It is important for people to understand that certain biological processes within our bodies are unavoidable. However, human being should undergo these processes without involving into other activities that would result to the development of osteoporosis. For instance, Suman et al (2013) revealed that even as persons grow older especially after 30 years of living, human being sti...
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