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6-1 Final Project Milestone Five: Recommendations Assignment

Essay Instructions:

HCM 415 Milestone Five Guidelines and Rubric

My topic for the paper.

Case 13: Emanuel Medical Center: Crisis in the Health Care Industry by Randall Harris, Kevin Vogt, and Armand Gilinsky

Now that you have completed an in-depth analysis of the case study, it is time to provide recommendations. You will recommend a course of action regarding strategic planning in light of the issue the healthcare organization is facing. Be sure to address the following in a 1–3-page paper.

A. Provide a brief summary of the issue facing the healthcare organization and the aspects you have previously reviewed that relate to the issue. B. What course of action would you recommend the healthcare manager take in terms of strategic planning around this issue? Be sure to justify your recommendation with evidence. C. What recommendations would you make for ensuring identified key stakeholders in the organization are involved in driving the strategic planning process? Be sure to substantiate your claims. D. How might the organization better align its strategic planning and policy processes with its overall mission and vision, particularly with regard to this issue? Be sure to provide evidence to justify your response.

Guidelines for Submission: This short paper should be between 1 and 3 pages, not including cover page and references. This paper should be in APA format.

Critical Element Exemplary (100%) Proficient (90%) Needs Improvement (75%) Not Evident (0%) Value Summary Meets “Proficient” criteria and expertly balances brevity with required detail Provides a brief summary of the issue facing the healthcare organization and the aspects previously reviewed that relate to the issue Provides a brief summary of the issue facing the healthcare organization and the aspects previously reviewed that relate to the issue, but response is verbose or has gaps in required detail Does not provide a brief summary of the issue facing the healthcare organization and the aspects previously reviewed that relate to the issue 5 Recommendations: Manager Meets “Proficient” criteria and demonstrates exceptional insight into the role of healthcare managers in strategic planning Recommends an appropriate course of action for the healthcare manager in terms of strategic planning around the issue, justifying recommendation with evidence Recommends a course of action for the healthcare manager in terms of strategic planning around the issue, justifying recommendation with evidence, but recommendation is not appropriate for the intended purpose, or response has gaps in detail or justification Does not recommend a course of action for the healthcare manager in terms of strategic planning around the issue 30

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Strategic Planning of Emanuel Medical CentreNameInstitutional AffiliationDate
Summary of the Issue
Emanuel Medical Centre is one of the medical institutions that provides healthcare services to patients drawn from different parts of the world. The health facility has been in the limelight due to the poor services offered to patients. There are cases of patients who are unattended. There is also a shortage of staff members and the necessary tools to provide services to patients such as the beds and medical treatment equipment. There is low payment of the doctors and other healthcare providers at the facility and this is one of the reasons that has made most of them to leave the organization and pursue their life goals outside the organization. The healthcare facility has also been portrayed in a negative manner by the media which has made the number of the patients who visit the facility to lower each day.
Strategic Recommendation
In the above case study, one of the aspects that is lacking in the healthcare organization is strategic planning where the healthcare organization places itself in a position of responding to various changes. The first step to solving the healthcare crisis is involving the people who work at the healthcare facility to identify the challenges that they are facing. In the above case, the employees of Emanuel Medical Centre lack the motivation to provide quality healthcare since they have issues. For instance, if the employees say that they are lacking adequate equipment to carry out their duties, as a healthcare manager, you should begin the process of acquiring the equipment and monitor if there are still other complaints from the employees. Identifying the problem affecting the operations of the facility is one of the crucial steps for an organization to strategically prepare for any of the things that might happen in the future. In terms of budgeting, the various departments within th...
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