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Family Health Assessment and Family Nursing Diagnoses

Essay Instructions:

Select a family to complete a family health assessment. (The family cannot be your own.)
Before interviewing the family, develop three open-ended, family-focused questions for each of the following health patterns:
Values, Health Perception
Role Relationship
NOTE: Your list of questions must be submitted with your assignment as an attachment.
After interviewing the family, compile the data and analyze the responses.
In 1,000-1,250 words, summarize the findings for each functional health pattern for the family you have selected.
Identify two or more wellness nursing diagnoses based on your family assessment. Wellness and family nursing diagnoses are different than standard nursing diagnoses. A list of wellness and family nursing diagnoses, from J. R. Weber's Nurses Handbook of Health Assessment (5th ed.), can be found at the following link Nurses Handbook of Health Assessment
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Institutional Affiliation
Family Health Assessment
A family health assessment is an approach that helps in the formulation of care plans for different families based on their health needs. In order to achieve this process a family focused open-ended question was utilized as instituted in the eleven functional health patterns described. In collecting the required data for this study, the inclusion of Godson's functional health pattern will be utilized in the development of wellness nursing interventions in this family through an approach that will ensure an assessment is conducted to determine the lifestyle of the family (Cohen, et.al.2016). The family that was interviewed in this study recently migrated from Australia to America in the past six months. This couple has been married for the past twelve years and has raised three children in the marriage. The father is currently fifty four-years old with the mother in her early forties and their children are aged eight and nine respectively.
The head of the Thompson's family works as a teacher in one of the state universities with his wife anticipating to complete her degree in business administration. The two children in this family attend public learning institutions. The family alleges that it has undergone through several spheres of health practices and habits that are primarily aimed at improving the health of the family. However, currently the families health status as detailed by them is not the best it can achieve, as a result of the element of obesity in the family.
In order to maintain the health standards of these children, it is essential that they actively participate in sports activities such as athletics, football, and volleyball. On the other hand, the Mr. and Mrs. Thompson also agreed on a mutual goal aimed at attaining weight loss and ensuring that the feed on healthy foods over the next year. On the other hand, it is essential to establish that this family adheres to their established values that include mutual respect and ensures that they spend time together.
In considering the values of this family, it is essential to establish that the family embraces the element of bonding, considered as an essential element in raising the children in accordance to the cultural beliefs of the Australians. The family therefore believes on the necessity of reprimanding children when they engage in wrongful actions in order to instill the element of obedience in these children. The Thompson's are primarily Protestants in religion and are obligated to attend services every Sunday. The family therefore believes in the tenet of faith and prayer in copying up with issues in difficult times.
The element of nutrition remains the central emphasis of this family, considering that obesity is prevalent in some of its members. In adhering to some of the nutritional values, the family takes cognizance of what they eat and ensure that a balanced diet is served everyday that primarily consists of noodles, vegetables, rice and eggs (Edelman, & Mandle, 2011). The family takes their meals three times in a day and ensures that snacks are avoided in between meals with the aspect of fast food negated in this family.
In determining the sleep patterns of this family, Mrs. Thompson mentioned that the family takes rest at 10 pm and awake by 6am in the morning to help the children get to school on time. Before bedtime, the children take milk while the family engages in other entertainment activities. The family established during the interview that there are no sleeping disorders noted since they get to bed in good time and rest for several hours before waking.
According to the family, elimination remains a significant element for this family when they were requested to describe their habits in reference to this activity. Every individual in the family attested to the fact that they experience bowel movements at least once every single day. However, Mr. Thompson alleged that he experiences bowel movements thrice in a day, a factor that is attributed to his habit of drinking close to 8 glasses of water in a day. Mr. Thompson mentioned that their sewer and household plumbing issues are managed frequently, thus the family is not affected by these systems. Additionally, the family has an access to clean and treated tap water that helps in meeting their elimination needs.
The high level of self-esteem in this family and the parents efforts directed towards ensuring that their children engaged in extra curricula activities clearly depicts the cognitive and sensory perceptions of this family. Mrs. Thompson alleged that there was a deficit in the family's ability to comprehend the element of disease preventions and health promotion. The family engaged in decision making processes as a unit, with the views of the children also considered as significant in addressing some of the challenges that affect them.
The family's self-perception clearly establishes the manner in which the family perceives their self and self worth. In addressing this, Mr. Thompson tried to give the rationale why his family is quite different from others by alleging that his husband is very supportive and together, they are motivated to raise their children in accordance to their faith...
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