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MHD508 Module 4 - Case

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THE LAST PAPER RECEIVED AN F. PLEASE RIGHT IN YOUR OWN WORDS. WRITE CHECK DOESNT CHECK FOR MY PROGRAMS PAPER MHD508 Module 4 - Case HEALTH BEHAVIOR: ORGANIZATION, COMMUNITY, AND SOCIETAL DETERMINANTS Assignment Overview Drawing from the committee's report on models and interventions of health behavior pertaining to organizations, communities, and society, you conclude your last briefing with the following quote: "Individuals and families are embedded within social, economic, and political systems that shape behaviors..." (p.241): To be addressed next time... Case Assignment With the above quote in mind, your task is to develop Part II of your handout from your previous briefing (i.e., module 3). 2 Similar to your previous handout in which you addressed models and interventions of risk behaviors from an individual and family perspective, this handout is to clearly outline the distinguishing facets of 3 different models & interventions involving determinants at the organizational, community, and society levels. This handout is be prepared as a Part II of your handout from module 3 - thus, following the same format: - This handout is NOT to be prepared as a written essay/report -but rather as an organizational framework that presents this information in a clear, coherent manner (e.g., a chart). - Distinguishing facets include -but are not limited to the following: ◦ General description ◦ Strengths/Weaknesses ◦ Theoretical Underpinnings Accompany this handout with a 1-2 page executive summary of your prepared handout. - Include in this summary 2 additional studies/professional discussions (i.e., from a refereed journal) that explicitly address any aspect of 2 particular models presented in your handout. - Appropriately cite & reference your additional resources. Assignment Expectations Use information from the modular background readings as well as any good quality resource you can find. Please cite all sources and provide a reference list at the end of your paper. The following items will be assessed in particular: 1 Your ability to present a clear comparison of three models of behavior change from an organizational, community, and societal perspective that indicates your understanding of differences and similarities in their strengths and weaknesses and theoretical assumptions; 2 In-text references to modular background readings that EXACTLY match a reference list presented at the end of the paper (APA formatting preferred). 1. Accompany this handout with a 1-2 page executive summary of your prepared handout. 2. This handout is be prepared as a Part II of your handout from module 3 - thus, following the same format: - This handout is NOT to be prepared as a written essay/report -but rather as an organizational framework that presents this information in a clear, coherent manner (e.g., a chart). - Distinguishing facets include -but are not limited to the following: ◦ General description ◦ Strengths/Weaknesses ◦ Theoretical Underpinnings
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Behavioral Change Name: Institution: Course: Date: Executive Summary The paper discusses some of the main models and theories that are crucial to the understanding of behavioral changes within the community, individual and the society. The social cognitive theory suggests that people are driven outside forces other than those from within them. According to the theory human functions can be established along their interaction with the environment, personal and behavioral factors. The health belief model basically tries to explain the way the society behaves with the reference to certain changes. The transtheoretical model, tries to establish the various levels of change within individuals in the community. Theory of reasoned action 128654066453General DescriptionAccording to the social cognitive theory, people are not driven by forces within them but by those from without. Ideally the theory suggests, the human functions can be explained using three main interactions, that is, the behavior, personal factors and environmental. This is referred to as reciprocal determinism (Utwente.nl, 2016). 0General DescriptionAccording to the social cognitive theory, people are not driven by forces within them but by those from without. Ideally the theory suggests, the human functions can be explained using three main interactions, that is, the behavior, personal factors and environmental. This is referred to as reciprocal determinism (Utwente.nl, 2016). 312597222259046251632225901807535222590 3678865205948StrengthsThis a theory the helps with establishing an impressive and accumulative research record. The theory is largely open to change. It is also concerned with important human social behaviors. 0StrengthsThis a theory the helps with establishing an impressive and accumulative research record. The theory is largely open to change. It is also concerned with important human social behaviors. -255181184683WeaknessesOne of the criticisms of the theory is the fact that it is not a unified theory. As such most of the aspects of the theory are not connected. Given the fact that the theory is too broad, not all the components are well understood and integrated with reference to learning as well as personality (Utwente.nl, 2016). 0WeaknessesOne of the criticisms of the theory is the fact that it is not a unified theory. As such most of the aspects of the theory are not connected. Given the fact that the theory is too broad, not all the components are well understood and integrated with reference to learning as well as personality (Utwente.nl, 2016). 9351044903Theory underpinningThe theory basis the behavioral changes to self-efficacy, outcome expectations, self-control, reinforcements, emotional coping, observational learning (Utwente.nl, 2016). 0Theory underpinningThe theory basis the behavioral changes to self-efficacy, outcome expectations, self-control, reinforcements, emotional coping, observational learning (Utwente.nl, 2016). Health Belief Model 744279128920This is a theory that tries to explain the behavioral changes that surround health aspects in a society. Developed in the 50s, it was deigned to establish why the tuberculosis health screening program failed. Unlike the behavioral changes in the individuals, the societal behavioral changes are much more complex and require an elaborate approach. With the success seen in the TB cases then, the theory has been used in several other cases that involve risk behaviors in connection with HIV/AIDS. (Currentnursing.com, 2016)0This is a theory that tries to explain the behavioral changes that surround health aspects in a society. Developed in the 50s, it was deigned to establish why the tuberculosis health screening program failed. Unlike the behavioral changes in the individuals, the societal behavioral changes are much more complex and require an elaborate approach...
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