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Family Assessment Paper: Improving the Health of the Family Grading Rubric
Essay Instructions:
NUR 4052
Family Assessment Paper: Improving the Health of the Family Grading Rubric
Include a focus statement that tells the reader what will be discussed in the rest of the paper (This paper will examine a, b, and c)
5 pts
Family Health Nursing
Discuss how the family unit impacts the health of all family members (cite references that support your statements)
Introduce the idea of family health nursing (cite references)
10 pts
Family Assessment Summary
Provide a summary of information about the family unit that you gathered from the family you assessed for Module 2 (no family names)
Analyze the data to discuss related to health of the family and related to health for this family (give specific data from the assessment to support your
at least 2 areas of strength
2 areas of need
10 pts
conclusions - must focus on health of the entire family, not one
Improving the Health of the Family
Summarize a family health OR health promotion model/theory and describe how the chosen model applies to the health and wellness of this family (use reference support)
Based on the 2 areas of need discussed in the above section create a detailed plan of how a nurse could help address ONE of the areas of need by using the family or health promotion theory –
o Apply the chosen family health theory in creating the plan (i.e. – if you choose the Transtheoretical model, would need to identify the stage the family is in related to changing a certain health behavior, and how to help the family move to the next stage of behavior change)
o Be specific in the strategies/recommendations for the family in the plan
o Support your plan with references to show that it is evidence- based/supported by information from credible sources.
10 pts
Summarize the main points made in your paper
Discuss how focusing on family health nursing can promote health and wellness in our communities
• •
5 pts
Correct grammar, sentence structure, spelling, fluency, clarity, word choice and punctuation
Correct APA format and APA referencing
6 pages minimum (including title page and references page), 7 pages maximum.
At least 3 scholarly references are used and cited properly. You need a minimum of two articles from nursing journals. The textbook can be a third reference. Webpages are not scholarly resources and
• •
10 pts
cannot be used.
Points Possible:
Updated 10/17 MB
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Family Assessment Paper
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Family health is a critical component of health used to understand normal and ill health behaviors and issues in each person. This paper uses the single-parent African American family to illustrate the family strengths, needs, and potential health-enhancing intervention strategies. Stated clearly, these include the father's caregiving responsibility, how information is processed in the family, and health issues, including hypertension, asthma, and diet. In this paper, the aim is to identify the role of family health nursing in improving the health of this particular family by fulfilling some of the lacking factors and, at the same time, strengthening the available resources (Barnes et al., 2020). By applying the family health concept, this paper shall develop practical recommendations by the target population on enhancing their health status.
Family Health Nursing
Definition and Importance
Family health nursing is one of the specific fields of practice that focus on the totality of the health of family members. More specifically, family health nursing entails the assessment of the roles and interpersonal communication systems of the families in the provision of comprehensive care. It sees the family as a subsystem in which any member's condition affects the others' conditions. Interactions with family members can then be used to endorse strategies that will improve the health of all (Broekema et al., 2020).
Moreover, it can be beneficial when it comes to the families that have been discussed, such as the one evaluated in this paper, where the father plays an important role in being a caregiver for his children. Addressing cultural, social, and economic frameworks when conducting care planning will allow the plan to culturally and culturally facilitate the interventions for the family (Broekema et al., 2020).
Relevance to Case Study
Regarding this family, the head of the family and the breadwinner establish practices in the household regarding health. He is employed in the roofing industry and does all he can to stay steady for them for children's activities, for instance, going to basketball events. Nevertheless, he has concerns about his working life, eating habits, and social drinking to reduce his stress. The fact that the family is of African American and Native American descent deepens the need for culturally appropriate health promotion messages.
Family Assessment Summary
Summary of the Family Unit
The family unit includes the head of the family, the father, and three sons. One of the sons is a young man with a family of his own, and a nephew, the third son, is 16 years of age and lives with the father. The father has been residing in the current house for the last two years and earns his living as a worker installing roofs. However, the father and the child's mother are officially divorced, but they speak on the phone, and she helps him with shopping and coordinating the child's medical needs.
Moreover, family health issues are the father's high blood pressure and skin disease, as well as the youngest son's asthma. The father values the time spent with his children, mainly through activities, and he loves going to watch sports and basketball. The family does express itself, and fights are settled on the scene with respect for the other. However, one has to consider stressors like divorce, workload, expecting a child as well and the recent injury complicating the couple.
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