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Discussion 6.1 Leveraging New Technologies

Essay Instructions:
Directions For your initial post, dive into an emerging learning technology that has captured your interest. Discuss the potential advantages it could offer in your educational or professional setting. What aspects do you find particularly beneficial? Share your insights on how this technology could be further developed or improved to meet your needs.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Discussion 6.1 Leveraging New Technologies Author’s Name The Institutional Affiliation Course Number and Name Instructor Name Assignment Due Date Nowadays, virtual simulation is an innovative tool in nursing education, as it helps students increase their knowledge and skills and strengthen their sense of competence. Such clinical simulation platforms are particularly interactive processes that promote the development of nursing professionals' psychomotor skills and offer students a risk-free environment to utilize their clinical and decision-making skills (Kiegaldie & Shaw, 2023). Clinical simulation platforms provide several advantages to healthcare students, as follows. The first and most important advantage of these platforms is that they offer nursing students hands-on experience without requiring physical presence in healthcare; this platform proved very beneficial, specifically in COVID-19, where physical presence is limited. Nursing students experience standardized learning as they utilize simulation platforms and experience critical case complexities remotely without requiring physical presence in healthcare settings. These platforms provide students with real-life clinical scenarios that allow nursing students to conduct assessments according to given clinical scenarios, determine the patient's problems, and promote better dec...
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