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Explanation of My Choice of a Nursing Specialty

Essay Instructions:

Discussion: Examining Nursing Specialties
You have probably seen one or more of the many inspirational posters about decisions. A visual such as a forked road or a street sign is typically pictured, along with a quote designed to inspire.
Often decisions are not so easily inspired. Perhaps you discovered this when choosing a specialty within the MSN program. This decision is a critical part of your plan for success, and you no doubt want to get it right. This is yet another area where your network can help, as well as other sources of information that can help you make an informed choice.
Note: Unless otherwise noted, initial postings to Discussions are due on or before Day 3, and response postings are due on or before Day 6. You are required to participate in the Discussion on at least three different days (a different day for main post and each response). It is important to adhere to the weekly time frame to allow others ample time to respond to your posting. In addition, you are expected to respond to questions directed toward your own initial posting in a timely manner.
To Prepare:
Reflect on your decision to pursue a specialty within the MSN program, including your professional and academic goals as they relate to your program/specialization.
Nursing Specialty is Mental Health Nurse practitioner. No difficulty in choosing Love mental health as a nurse now . Easy transition
By Day 3
Post an explanation of your choice of a nursing specialty within the program. Describe any difficulties you had (or are having) in making your choice, and the factors that drove/are driving your decision. Identify at least one professional organization affiliated with your chosen specialty and provide details on becoming a member.

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Examining Nursing Specialties
Due Date
Examining Nursing Specialties
Explanation of My Choice of a Nursing Specialty
I believe that everyone in this world knows a person who struggles with depression or is suffering from a mental issue. For most of us, the people we know are part of our families, and the pain struggle they go through often leaves us feeling helpless. In some parts of the world, any discussion of mental illnesses is seen as a weakness, and often a person is told to ‘man up.’ In the U.S., mental health cases are rising fast, and the healthcare sector does not seem prepared to deal with the many issues being reported. The CDC (2021) reports that 11.2% of adults have feelings of anxiety, worry, and nervousness, while 4.7% of adults battle feelings of depression. Visits to physicians are reported to be around 55.7 million with mental health issues as the primary diagnosis (CDC, 2021). All these statistics acted as motivation to me, and the fact that I did not want to feel helpless again while watching someone I love struggle with depression or other mental health issues. Combating mental health issues is personal, and I would like to be a part of the solution.
Secondly, I desired a field that would allow me to focus my energies and efforts on one area. I did not want an area that would allow me the freedom to do many things but deny me the opportunity to focus my energies on a particular field. In the field of mental health, I have a purpose and focus defined. My long-term goal is to contribute to the literature of the field of mental health. I want to leave a mark and not just be a passing wind. Today, there is a growing need for evidence-based solutions to combat mental health issues, and I would like to contribute.
Discussion on Difficulties in Making the Choice and Factors Driving my Decision
The difficulty in making the choice I made is mainly i...
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