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Evidence Based Practice: Schizophrenia As A Mental Disorder

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My PICOT question is; Does Schizophrenia patient who received long acting injectable form of medication get hospitalized less, compare to those who don

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Schizophrenia is a mental disorder that affects a person’s feelings, their way of thinking and how they behave. It is not a common mental illness, since it appears to affect a population of less than 0.5% and mostly it is inherited. It is diagnosed typical more in men than women at a young adulthood usually in a person’s 20s. If untreated, it my result to one experiencing different health problems and also not be in a position to take care of their basic necessities of life such as getting enough food, having a decent shelter or not being able to provide for themselves. However, a schizophrenia patient who is receiving long acting injectable form of medication get hospitalized less compared to people who took pills as their daily medication.
An alternative treatment for schizophrenia is an injection, which is referred to as Long-Acting injectables (LAIs). A schizophrenia patient who receives the long acting injectable form of medication get hospitalized less compared to those who don’t mainly because the injection medication usually is given to a patient once every week hence don’t require the daily efforts required to remember to take a regular medication . Although they are more expensive compared to the oral medications in order to obtain them, they require making an appointment with a professional hence the need for them to have a regular contact with the mental health care centre. ‘‘ Many benefits have been seen on using the long acting injectables such as reduced rates of hospitalization, rare cases of over dose and any sudden relapse ’’,(Ehret and Megan,2016). However, when a patient with schizophrenia degenerate, hospitalization would be required since the patient would be at a risk of suicide. Unfortunately, deteriorating prevention still remains a bigger challenge for the public health when it comes to schizophrenia treatment. However, the primary role of Long-Acting injectables (LAIs) in deteriorating reduction still remains pragmatic because there is no risk of the patient failing to appear on the scheduled injection. ‘‘More physicians after recognizing the benefits of using the long acting injectable have considered using it earlier for disease progression’’, (Caroll and John,2014).
As a result of having appointments with the clinician, in case of any abrupt relapse, the schizophrenia patient is likely to be prescribed to another type of medication early enough compared to the patient who is taking the medications at home. while in the hospital environment, as much as medications are part of the therapeutic plan, other therapies offered include psychiatric consultation and a group or individual psychotherapy as well, hence assisting the patient to recover quickly .The psychiatric consultation helps the patient to interact with the doctor directly and enquire any necessary information needed to help in improving the condition while the individual psychotherapy entails therapist helping a patient with any p...
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