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PICOT: African-American Women with Breast Cancer

Essay Instructions:

The purpose of this assignment is to provide research evidence in support of the PICOT you developed for your selected topic.
Conduct a search for 10 peer-reviewed, translational research articles published within the last 5 years that demonstrate support for your PICOT. You may include previous research articles from assignments completed in this course. Use the "Literature Evaluation Table" provided to evaluate the articles and explain how the research supports your PICOT.
included all previous projects and paper s

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Literature Evaluation Table
Learner Name:
PICOT: In African-American women with breast cancer (P), does providing culturally sensitive, nurse-led psychoeducation (I) in comparison to standard nursing care (C) reduce cancer-related anxiety, distress, and depression (O) from diagnosis to post-treatment (T).
Author, Journal (Peer-Reviewed), and Permalink or Working Link to Access Article

Article Title and Year Published

Research Questions/ Hypothesis, and Purpose/Aim of Study

Design (Quantitative, Qualitative, or other)


Methods: Intervention/ Instruments

Analysis/Data Collection

Outcomes/Key Findings


Explanation of How the Article Supports Your Proposed EBP Practice Project Proposal

Schulman-Green, D., & Jeon, S.

Managing cancer care: a psychoeducational intervention to improve knowledge of care options and breast cancer self-management. (2017)

The psychoeducational intervention would increase knowledge of care options, improve self-management, transition management, self-efficacy, medical communication, and reduce depression, anxiety, and uncertainty among breast cancer patients
To assess the acceptability and feasibility of a psychoeducational intervention among non-metastatic breast cancer patients

Translational, one-group, pre-post-test study

110 female patients aged 21 years and above with non-metastatic breast cancer at a cancer hospital

A seven-module psychoeducational intervention called Managing Cancer Care (MCC)

Data was collected using semi-structured interviews and analyzed using SAS v.9.3.

The intervention improved self-management, transition management, and medical communication. It also positively influenced depression, anxiety, and uncertainty.

Provision of MCC modules to cancer patients to improve their self-management skills

The study supports the use of psychoeducational interventions in reducing anxiety and depression among breast cancer patients.

Park, J., Chun, M., Jung, Y., Bae, S., & Jung, Y.
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing

Psychoeducational approach to distress management of newly diagnosed patients with breast cancer. (2018)

An integrated psychoeducational program can reduce distress among patients with new breast cancer diagnoses
To evaluate the effect of an integrated psychoeducational program in managing distress among newly diagnosed breast cancer patients

Translational, quasi-experimental trial

47 female breast cancer patients

Individualized face-to-face and telephone-delivered psychoeducational sessions

Data was collected using surveys and analyzed using SPSS v. 21.0

The integrated psychoeducational program reduced cancer-related distress, improved quality of life, and enhanced the emotional well-being of newly diagnosed breast cancer patients.

Provision of psychoeducational intervention by oncology nurses to help breast cancer patients manage their distress

This study provides evidence that psychoeducational interventions reduce distress among patients with new breast cancer diagnoses.

Weis, J., Gschwendtner, K., Giesler, J., Adams, L., & Wirtz, M.
Supportive Care in Cancer

Psychoeducational group intervention for breast cancer survivors: a non-randomized multi-center pilot study. (2020)

Is the intervention effective in improving quality of life, self-efficacy, fear of progression, and depression?
Is the impact stable over time?
Is the intervention acceptable and feasible for patients in an outpatient setting?
To assess the impact of an outpatient psychoeducation program on self-efficacy, coping processes, and fear of recurrence among breast cancer survivors.

Translational, non-randomized trial

50 women with breast cancer in three outpatient cancer centers

A 6 session psychoeducational intervention, each lasting for 2 hours

Data was collected using questionnaires and analyzed using SPSS v. 21.0

The intervention reduced fear of recurrence/progression and improved self-efficacy. There was no significant effect on depressive symptoms and quality of life.

Further investigation using a randomized trial

The study provides evidence that psychoeducational interventions are effective in addressing cancer-related concerns among survivors.

Salvetti, M., Donato, S., Machado, C., Almeida, N., Santos, D., & Kurita, G.
Asia-Pacific Journal of Oncology Nursing

Psychoeducational nursing intervention for symptom management in cancer patients: A randomized clinical trial. (2021)

A psychoeducational intervention for cancer patients involving relaxation techniques and educational strategies can enhance symptom management and improve quality of life.
To evaluate the impact of a psychoeducational nursing intervention on cancer-related symptom management and quality of life among patients undergoing cancer treatment.

Translational, randomized clinical trial

107 cancer patients receiving outpatient radiation/ chemotherapy treatment at a Cancer Institute

A six-week psychoeducational intervention

Statistical analysis using R 3.5.0 to analyze data collected using questionnaires

The psychoeducational intervention improved the management of cancer-related insomnia and loss of appetite. However, no significant effects were observed in the patients’ quality of life.

Application of psychoeducational interventions in future research

This study provides information about psychoeducational interventions and their effectiveness in managing certain cancer-related symptoms such as insomnia, which helps improve patients’ mental health.

Lally, R., Kupzyk, K., Bellavia, G., Hydeman, J., Gallo, S., Helgeson, V., et al.
Supportive Care in Cancer

CaringGuidance after breast cancer diagnosis eHealth psychoeducational intervention to reduce early post-diagnosis distress. (2020)

Newly diagnosed breast cancer patients would report reduced distress after receiving the psychoeducational intervention.
To examine the preliminary effectiveness of a newly-developed web-based psychoeducational program on distress among newly diagnosed breast cancer patients.

Translational, randomized controlled trial

100 female newly diagnosed breast cancer patients 

A 12-week psychoeducational intervention (CaringGuidance) lasting for 40-90 minutes per week

Data was collected using questionnaires and analyzed using SAS v. 9.4

The intervention showed preliminary efficacy in reducing cancer-related depressive symptoms and distress among newly diagnosed breast cancer patients.

Further exploration of the efficacy of the intervention in reducing depressive symptoms

The study shows promise in the efficacy of psychoeducational interventions in reducing cancer-related depression and distress among newly diagnosed breast cancer patients.

Bernstein, L., McCreath, G., Nyhof-Young, J., Dissanayake, D., & Rich, J.
Supportive Care in Cancer

A brief psychoeducational intervention improves memory contentment in breast cancer survivors with cognitive concerns: Resu...
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