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Evidence-Based Approach in Nursing Decision-Making

Essay Instructions:

For this assignment, you will complete a 2- to 3-page EBP report based on a case study. From the Institute for Healthcare Improvement source below, select one of the case studies related to improving healthcare:

Your report should include the following sections:

  1. Introduction:
    1. 300-400 words explaining evidence-based practice and decision making.
    2. Identify the case study you will examine.
  2. EBP Steps:
    1. Frame 2-3 questions based on the case study you chose to research.
    2. Acquire evidence to help answer your questions. Identify 3-4 scholarly articles related to your question. The articles should be formatted properly within the body of your paper.
    3. Appraise the evidence (scholarly articles). Analyze and explain how the selected articles answer your posed questions.
    4. Integrate the information, make an informed decision based on your selected case study, and rationalize improvement of health outcomes.
    5. Evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency in executing Steps 1-4 and provide ways to improve in the future.
  3. Conclusion:
    1. 200-300 words summarizing your findings and EBP process.
Essay Sample Content Preview:

Evidence-Based Practice: Case 1
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Instructor’s Name
Evidence-Based Practice: Case 1
           Healthcare professionals are constantly making decisions on how to best produce the best healthcare outcomes for their patients. To make informed decisions about the patient, healthcare professionals adopt an evidence-based practice (EBP) approach. According to Mackey and Bassendowski (2017), an EBP approach is an approach that involves the integration of clinical expertise and patient preferences with the best and current evidence to make more informed clinical decisions and improve patient outcomes. EBP encourages healthcare professionals to not only rely on their knowledge and expertise about a health condition but to also rely on research. This involves taking a patient-centered approach to the utilization of research. As such, an understanding of EBP and its implementation is an essential competency for every healthcare professional (Saunders et al., 2019). This is especially important because the healthcare environment is constantly changing in terms of changing healthcare needs of patients, technological advancement, and changes in disease patterns. Healthcare professionals need to keep up with these changes and the best way to do so is to ensure they are up to date with scientific evidence and can apply this evidence to patient care. Also, as part of their EBP competencies, healthcare professionals need to understand what is considered the best evidence for EBP. According to Mackey and Bassendowski (2017), systematic reviews are the most reliable source of best evidence, followed by randomized controlled trials. However, these should be used in addition to healthcare professionals’ experience and opinions as well as patient preferences to inform healthcare decisions.
           This paper involves the examination of a case study titled “an extended stay.” The case involves a 64-year-old man who had a prolonged hospital stay due to communication and system failures within the hospitals (Institute for Healthcare Improvement, n.d.). The goal is to examine how the EBP steps can be utilized in this scenario to address the failures and improve the delivery of care and patient outcomes. 
EBP Steps
Step 1
           The first step of EBP involves asking a question. For this case, two key questions will be asked based on the problems that have been identified in the case.
1 In a hospital setting, what is the impact of a standardized hand-off protocol among healthcare professionals compared to the current hand-off on patient safety and staff communication?
2 In a hospital setting, does a computerized medication system when compared to a non-computerized system reduce medication errors?
Step 2
           The second step involves identifying evidence to answer the questions. The evidence identified to answer the two questions will be integrated into the paper. The articles by Muller et al. (2018), Alimenti et al. (2019), Prgomet et al. (2017), and Gates et al. (2021) have been identified as the evidence to be used in answering the two questions.
Step 3
           The third step involves the appraisal of the evidence. The four selected articles are all systematic reviews and they answer the two questions raised in step1
1 Standardized Handoffs
           The articles by Muller et al. (2018) and Alimenti et al. (2019) provide evidence in support of a standardized hand-off protocol to improve patient safety and staff communication. According to Muller et al. (2018), their systematic review aimed to summarize the effect of the situation, background, assessment, and recommendation (SBAR), a standardized handoff tool, on patient safety. This article provides a summary of findings from multiple studies on the effectiveness of standardized hand-off protocols in improving patient safety and staff communication. Muller et al. (2018) reveal that there is moderate evidence of the effectiveness of the SBAR tool in improving patient safety and outcomes, especially when it is used to structure phone communication among healthcare professionals. Similarly, the article by Alimenti et al. (2019) is a systematic review aimed at establishing the effects of standardized handoffs between emergency departments and inpatient sett...
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