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Strength and Conditioning: Pylometric Exercises, SMR, and Stretching

Essay Instructions:

1. Provide an explanation of plyometric training for performance enhancement, including the goal of plyometrics, the mechanisms involved, and training variables to consider. Identify and properly explain how to perform one (1) upper-body and one (1) lower-body plyometric exercise.
2. Pick one of the four tests for assessing explosive strength. Explain who should perform the test, what equipment is required, and provide a detailed explanation of how the test will be performed by the athlete.
3. Describe the proper execution of the following self-myofascial release (SMR) and stretching exercises and be sure to include any instructional cues that you would use as a coach, as well as anything important to watch for during your athlete’s execution of the exercises, i.e., key points, proper body positioning, placement of the SMR, etc.
a. SMR – Hamstrings
b. SMR – Glutes and Piriformis
c. SMR – Latissimus Dorsi and Triceps
d. SMR – Pectoralis Group
e. Upper Trapezius Stretch
f. Pectoralis Major/Minor Stretch
g. Posterior Glenohumeral Stretch
h. Hip Flexor Stretch

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Strength and Conditioning
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Strength and Conditioning
Essay 1: Plyometric Exercises
Plyometrics defines the various exercises designed to allow the exertion of maximum force within a short period as they increase individual muscular power. The mechanism of plyometric training involves eccentric loading of a given muscle followed by unloading of the muscle through rapid and concentric contraction resulting in rapid generation of significant force in three phases. The eccentric phase is the first stage of plyometrics and it involves loading the muscle to stretch the muscle spindles and the non-contractile tissues to generate a neurophysiological-biomechanical response (ISSA, 2020). The amortization phase is the intermediate phase that involves the transition from force absorption to force generation to facilitate the use of potential force produced during the eccentric phase (ISSA, 2020). The concentric phase is the third stage that involves the unloading phase to release kinetic energy (ISSA, 2020).
When planning plyometric exercises, a coach has to consider multiple training variables such as the range of motion, tempo, neuromuscular overload, intensity, surface, volume, frequency, specificity, and recovery (ISSA, 2020). The training variables should be adjusted to facilitate plyometric exercises.
One upper body plyometric exercise that an athlete can use is the ball slam. As an exercise, a ball slam involves lifting either a medicine or a slam ball overhead without overextension of the lumbar spine. To this end, an athlete should complete the ball slam when they are either standing or kneeling with a neutral spine and engaged glutes (ISSA, 2020). In the position, the athlete should engage their abdominals and latissimus dorsi, hinge from the hip and throw the ball on the floor in front of their feet allowing arms to continue motion once the athlete releases the load (ISSA, 2020). The torsos should be allowed to come forward and the hips should be allowed to shift back. The athlete should then squat with a neutral spine and pick the ball before returning to the starting position.
One plyometric exercise that an athlete can complete is the plyo jump. When beginning the exercise, the athlete's feet should be hip-width apart. Then, the athlete should drive one of their knees forward and up while swinging their opposite arm overhead. Using knee drive, the athlete should move their opposite foot up and off and gain as much elevation as they can from the ground for every jump (ISSA, 2020). One should land softly midfoot and switch their legs and arms in the shortest time possible.
Vertical Jump Test
One of the tests that are used to assess explosive strengths is the vertical jump. The coach should conduct the test on the athlete to determine the explosive strength of the lower body. The most essential equipment required to complete the test is a measuring device and a marking tool.
The test starts with the performance of two vertical jumps separated by a minute of rest as a form of athlete warm-up and familiarization with the testing protocol. After the warm-up and familiarization, the athlete has to stand on both feet on the floor and the coach should determine the baseline reach by measuring the highest possible point that an athlete reaches on the measuring tape (ISSA, 2020).
Once the athlete is ready for the vertical jump, the distance between the inside of the heels should be measured and mark tapes used to mark the floor. During the test, the athlete is expected to ensure that their heel maintains the same width for every subsequent jump attempt (ISSA, 2020). Thus, the coach should encourage the athlete to take up the most comfortable heel placement. The measurement ser...
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