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2 pages/≈550 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
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Evaluating Various Roles in Nursing

Essay Instructions:

The assignment must also be in APA 7th edition format including title page and in-text citation and a reference page if applicable.

Review the roles and functions of a professional nurse found in Chapter 1 of your textbook (Table 1-2 - Nursing Roles in All Settings). There are seven different roles and functions of a professional nurse: caregiver, communicator, teacher/educator, counselor, leader, researcher, advocate, and collaborator. Being able to understand these roles will lead to you be a successful professional nurse.

Write a 2-3 page paper. Identify one strength you bring to each role and one area you need to develop.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Nursing Roles
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Institutional Affiliation
Nursing Roles
Nurses are critical in any healthcare setting. Being the primary care providers, they play vital roles and functions. In this article, I will be discussing a can bring to each nursing role and an area I need to improve.
I am compassionate towards patients. I emphasize their pain and suffering. I ensure that my patients are as comfortable as possible. Compassion assists me in offering patients the support and confidence needed to prepare for recovery or undergo surgery. I need to learn how to deliver culturally sensitive care. I must ensure that the care I offer is sensitive to individuals with a common cultural or religious heritage. I should learn more about other cultures to provide care that meets the clients’ cultural requirements.
As a nurse, I value understanding the concerns and opinions of patients. I approach every interaction to know how patients feel about an issue. Because of such an approach, I employ both verbal and non-verbal communication skills to pass information. Despite this strength, I should develop active listening. Being a good communicator demands that someone becomes a good listener also (Jahromi et al., 2016). I must learn how to listen to patients and their families actively. Such a step would make me a better communicator.
I am competent in using the teach-back method when teaching patients and their families. I like the approach because I can confirm whether the recipient has understood what is explained. I ask patients and families to state in their words what they have understood from a session. Despite this strength, I should employ multimodal learning. The use of different learning modes would ensure that patients and family members learn quicker and deeper to recall and apply the lessons later.
I always maintain a therapeutic relationship with patients. I allow them the opportunity to make their decisions based on the information I give them. The aim is to facilitate patients to apply their problem-solving skills to address issues affecting them (Taylor, Lynn & Bartlett, 2018). To become a better counselor, I sho...
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