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Psychiatric Disorders and Screening

Essay Instructions:

HPI: KF, 56-year-old Caucasian female presents to office with complaints of “no energy and not wanting to go out.” These symptoms have been present for about 3 months and seem worse in the morning and improve slightly through the day. It is hard to get out of bed and get the day started because does not feel rested when she wakes up in the morning.  KF reports a "loss of joy". States" I really don't feel like going anywhere or doing anything".  She tries to do at least one social activity a week, but it can be really exhausting. Reports she also has difficulty completing projects for work, she cannot stay focused anymore. She reports not feeling hungry, so she is not eating regularly and has lost some weight.  KF has been a widow for 2 years. Her husband died unexpectedly, he had a MI. She recently got a puppy, which she thought would help with the loneliness, but the care of the puppy seems overwhelming at times. Rest and exercise, specifically yoga and meditation seem to help her feel better. At this time, she does not want to do either, it seems like too much effort to get up and go. She has not tried any medications, prescribed or otherwise. She reports drinking a lot of coffee, but that does not seem to help with her energy levels.  

Current medications: Excedrin PM about once a week when she can't sleep, seems to help a bit. NKDA.  

PMH: no major illnesses. Immunizations up to date.  

SH: widowed, employed full time as a consultant. Drinks 1 glass of wine almost every night. No tobacco use, no illicit drug use. Previously married 20 years ago while living in France, reports an abusive relationship. The French government gave custody of her son to the ex-husband. She returned to US without her son 10 years ago. She sees her son two times a year, they skype and text "all the time" but she misses him. Her son is now an adult and is considering moving to the US.   

FH: Parents are alive and well. Has one son, age 21, he is healthy but lives in France with his father. 


CONSTITUTIONAL: reports weight loss of 4-5 pounds, no fever, chills, or weakness reported. Daily fatigue.   

HEENT: Eyes: No visual loss, blurred vision, double vision or yellow sclera. Ears, Nose, Throat: No hearing loss, sneezing, congestion, runny nose or sore throat.  

CARDIOVASCULAR: No chest pain, chest pressure or chest discomfort. No palpitations or edema.  

RESPIRATORY: No shortness of breath, cough or sputum.  

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Psychiatry Case Study
Based on information from the case of KF, there is a need for depression and anxiety screening. The screening tools that will be used will be the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) and the Generalized Anxiety Disorder Assessment (GAD - 7).
The Beck Depression Inventory is a self-reporting questionnaire with 21 items used to evaluate the severity of depression. This screening tool can be used both for the general population and those who already have a psychiatric diagnosis (Gregory et al., 2020). This is an excellent tool to use in the case of KF due to the reliability of the tool, and it can also be used to measure the severity even after screening by readministering the Beck Depression Inventory along the treatment process. It indicates whether the symptoms exhibited by KF are still regular or are already considered clinical depression. The score of KF in this screening tool is 22, which is interpreted as moderate depression. However, it should also be considered that not all items were answered due to the limited information available. The tool asks about different aspects of KF's life and how she feels about them. However, since there is a limited amount of information, the most notable items will be the following: KF being sad and having a hard time snapping out of the feeling, not having anything to look forward to, not getting absolute satisfaction with things and activities around her that she previously enjoyed, losing interest in other people, not being able to do her work, not sleeping well and feeling tired in the morning, having no appetite, and losing 5 lbs. Notably, there are also no specific reports of suicidal thoughts and attempts.
The Generalized Anxiety Disorder Assessment is also a self-administered test with 7 items where the frequency of the symptoms over the past 2 weeks is evaluated. It also gives consideration to the individual's ease/difficulty in function...
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